For comfortable orientation in my projects, you can use link on my portfolio site. In section "My works" you can find links on projects and links on their code at Github and also short description of the projects and used technologies.
In the section "My websites" you can find all my sites. In this works I generally have trained how to work with HTML, CSS, SCSS, CSS @keyframes, Gulp, BEM, Linters, learned how to connect and customize plugins(for example Mmenu, OwlCarouel2, Fotorama, selectize.js, fancybox). However, in the last site all JS code, except slider, was written by me.
In the section "JS projects" there are my JS projects and homework from several courses. In this works I was working with DOM, BOM, Fetch, XHR, Promise, async/await, RegExp, modules, constructors, classes, JSON, Date, etc. And also have practiced working with such libraries: moment, jQuery, math.js.
In the section "React projects" I have all React apps. In these projects I've practiced with: JSX, functional and class components, state, setState, events, controllable components, React Lifecycle Methods, Children & Context API, default props, propTypes, Hooks and worked with prop-types & react-router-dom libraries.
In the section "Gulp" I published one of my basic gulp templates. In this template, I am using such plugins as browser-sync, gulp-sass, gulp-stylelint, gulp-autoprefixer, gulp-concat, gulp-uglify, del, gulp-rename. In my other works I was using gulp-babel with additional babel plugins, and, sometimes, combined webpack with gulp.