
A simple version of redux

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

owl redux

A simple version of redux, Typescript support.


In order to further understand redux, imitate the principle of redux implementation and implement a simple redux.


$ yarn add -D owl-redux


Try to use example

$ git clone git@github.com:dengwb1991/owl-redux.git

$ cd owl-redux

$ yarn

$ yarn start


api instructions
createStore Created Store Object, Includes getState, dispatch, subscribe, replaceReducer functions
reducer Reducer is a planning function that takes the old state and action and generates the new state
action Action is an object and must contain a type field
dispatch Dispatch (action) triggers an action to generate a new state
subscribe Implement the subscription function. Each time the dispatch is triggered, the subscription function will be executed
combineReducers Combine multiple reducers into one reducer
replaceReducer Replace reducer function
middleware Extending the dispatch function


Create redux from scratch