
hacking on the stanford natural language inference (SNLI) corpus (in theano)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

snli hacking

hacking with the Stanford Natural Language Inference corpus http://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/snli/

see also a version ported to tensorflow

tldr results

( all for 100 dev )

model dev accuracy
log_reg_baseline.py 0.667
nn_baseline.py (elman) 0.684
nn_baseline.py (gru) 0.745
nn_seq2seq.py (elman) 0.682

simple logistic regression baseline


  • all tokens in sentence 1 prepended with "s1_"
  • all tokens in sentence 2 prepended with "s2_"
$ time ./log_reg_baseline.py

train confusion
 [[121306  27808  34073]
  [ 29941 117735  35088]
  [ 23662  20907 138847]] (accuracy 0.687)

dev confusion
 [[2077  549  652]
  [ 546 2044  645]
  [ 474  404 2451]] (accuracy 0.667)

# approx 6m

nn models

three nn models

  • nn_baseline: uni/bidirectional rnns (simple/gru) over s1/s2; concatenated states; MLP to softmax
  • nn_seq2seq: bidirectional rnn over s1; first & last state concatenated; feed as context to bidirectional rnn over s2; MLP to softmax
  • nn_seq2seq_attention: as nn_seq2seq but attend back to all states of s1, not just first/last; MLP to softmax (WIP)


usage: nn_baseline.py [-h] [--train-set TRAIN_SET]
                      [--num-from-train NUM_FROM_TRAIN] [--dev-set DEV_SET]
                      [--num-from-dev NUM_FROM_DEV]
                      [--dev-run-freq DEV_RUN_FREQ] [--num-epochs NUM_EPOCHS]
                      [--max-run-time-sec MAX_RUN_TIME_SEC]
                      [--learning-rate LEARNING_RATE] [--update-fn UPDATE_FN]
                      [--embedding-dim EMBEDDING_DIM]
                      [--hidden-dim HIDDEN_DIM] [--bidirectional]
                      [--tied-embeddings] [--l2-penalty L2_PENALTY]
                      [--rnn-type RNN_TYPE]
                      [--gru-initial-bias GRU_INITIAL_BIAS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --train-set TRAIN_SET
  --num-from-train NUM_FROM_TRAIN
                        number of egs to read from train. -1 => all
  --dev-set DEV_SET
  --num-from-dev NUM_FROM_DEV
                        number of egs to read from dev. -1 => all
  --dev-run-freq DEV_RUN_FREQ
                        frequency (in num examples trained) to run against dev
  --num-epochs NUM_EPOCHS
                        number of epoches to run. -1 => forever
  --max-run-time-sec MAX_RUN_TIME_SEC
                        max secs to run before early stopping. -1 => dont
                        early stop
  --learning-rate LEARNING_RATE
                        learning rate
  --update-fn UPDATE_FN
                        vanilla (sgd) or rmsprop
  --embedding-dim EMBEDDING_DIM
                        embedding node dimensionality
  --hidden-dim HIDDEN_DIM
                        hidden node dimensionality
  --bidirectional       whether to build bidirectional rnns for s1 & s2
  --tied-embeddings     whether to tie embeddings for each RNN
  --l2-penalty L2_PENALTY
                        l2 penalty for params
  --rnn-type RNN_TYPE   Rnn cell type {SimpleRnn,GruRnn}
  --gru-initial-bias GRU_INITIAL_BIAS
                        initial bias for r & z for GruRnn. higher => more like
  • two rnns; one for each sentence
  • concat output, one layer MLP and softmax over 3 classes
$ ./nn_baseline.py --embedding-dim=50 --hidden-dim=50 \
 --learning-rate=0.01 --dev-run-freq=10000


(vertical line denotes epoch)

bidirectional vs unidirectional with tied embeddings & l2 penalty

  • bidirectional being another two rnns; in opposite directions; with all 4 outputs concatted before MLP & softmax
  • tied embeddings => use single embedding matrix instead of 2 seperate for unidir (and 4 seperate for bidir)
export COMMON="--embedding-dim=50 --hidden-dim=50 --learning-rate=0.01 --dev-run-freq=100000"
./nn_baseline.py $COMMON
./nn_baseline.py $COMMON --tied-embeddings
./nn_baseline.py $COMMON --bidirectional
./nn_baseline.py $COMMON --bidirectional --tied-embeddings


will continue with tied embeddings & bidirectional

gru vs simple

up until now everything was a simple elman network, let's try a gru

export C="--learning-rate=0.01 --dev-run-freq=10000 --bidirectional --tied-embeddings --embedding-dim=100 --hidden-dim=100"
./nn_baseline.py $C --rnn-type=SimpleRnn
./nn_baseline.py $C --rnn-type=GruRnn


better so will continue with gru by default

using glove pretrained

# convert glove embeddings (based on vocab) 
# see appendix on making vocab.tsv
time ./precompute_embeddings.py \
 --vocab vocab.tsv \
 --glove-data glove/glove.6B.300d.txt \
 --npy glove/snli_glove.npy \
 --random-projection-dimensionality 100

# run with / without initial embeddings
export C="--bidirectional --tied-embeddings --embedding-dim=300"
./nn_baseline.py $C
./nn_baseline.py $C --vocab-file vocab.tsv --initial-embeddings snli_glove.npy

init_embeddings.train_cost init_embeddings.dev_acc

whereas training cost is slightly lower in the random embeddings case the dev accuracy is better with the glove embeddings (though not by much; see dev_accuracy y scale)

using different versions of parse

snli dataset provides dependency parses for each sentence; eg (ROOT (NP (NP (DT a) (NN person)) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT a) (NN car)))))

we can handle this parse in three ways (the default so far has been equivalent to BINARY_WITHOUT_PARENTHESIS). ( we include JUST_OPEN_CLOSE_TAGS as an experiment regarding the a lower bound we get from only using pos tags )

parse_mode eg tokens
BINARY_WITH_PARENTHESIS ( ( a person ) ( by ( a car ) ) )
PARSE_WITH_OPEN_CLOSE_TAGS (NP (NP (DT a DT) (NN person NN) NP) (PP (IN by IN) (NP (DT a DT) (NN car NN) NP) PP) NP) NP)
parse_mode s1 length quantiles s2 length quantiles top tokens
BINARY_WITHOUT_PARENTHESIS [2, 10, 13, 17, 82] [1, 6, 8, 10, 62] [(u'a', 1_441_039), (u'.', 964_030), (u'the', 535_493), (u'in', 407_662), (u'is', 374_068)]
BINARY_WITH_PARENTHESIS [4, 28, 37, 49, 244.] [1, 16, 22, 28, 184] [(u')', 11_158_943), (u'(', 11_158_943), (u'a', 1_441_039), (u'.', 964_030), (u'the', 535_493)]
PARSE_WITH_OPEN_CLOSE_TAGS [8, 44, 58, 77, 369] [5, 28, 35, 44, 298] [(u'(NP', 4_438_313), (u'NP)', 4_438_313), (u'(NN', 2_818_779), (u'NN)', 2_818_779), (u'(DT', 2_127_006)]
JUST_OPEN_CLOSE_TAGS [6, 34, 44, 60, 290] [4, 22, 28, 34, 236] [(u'(NP', 4_438_313), (u'NP)', 4_438_313), (u'(NN', 2_818_779), (u'NN)', 2_818_779), (u'(DT', 2_127_006)]
export C="--learning-rate=0.01 --dev-run-freq=10000 --bidirectional
          --tied-embeddings --embedding-dim=100 --hidden-dim=100 --rnn-type=GruRnn"
./nn_baseline.py $C --parse-mode=BINARY_WITHOUT_PARENTHESIS
./nn_baseline.py $C --parse-mode=BINARY_WITH_PARENTHESIS
./nn_baseline.py $C --parse-mode=PARSE_WITH_OPEN_CLOSE_TAGS
./nn_baseline.py $C --parse-mode=JUST_OPEN_CLOSE_TAGS



hardly overfitting on training but, still, does dropout help with our generalisations? (applied between final state concat and MLP)

export C="--learning-rate=0.01 --dev-run-freq=10000 --bidirectional 
          --tied-embeddings --embedding-dim=100 --hidden-dim=100 --rnn-type=GruRnn"
./nn_baseline.py $C --keep-prob=0.25
./nn_baseline.py $C --keep-prob=0.5
./nn_baseline.py $C --keep-prob=0.75
./nn_baseline.py $C --keep-prob=1.0


  • bidir on s1; concatenated last states
  • bidir on s2 with added context (per timestep) directly from s1 output
  • MLP on s2 output with softmax
  • tied embeddings
  • no gru
  • no pretrained embeddings
export C="--learning-rate=0.01 --dev-run-freq=10000 --bidirectional --tied-embeddings --embedding-dim=100 --hidden-dim=100"
./nn_baseline.py $C
./nn_seq2seq.py $C


first version of seq2seq no better than simple. (thought only a step to attentional model anyways..)


  • bidir on s1; keep all output states
  • bidir on s2 with input attended over s1 states
  • MLP on s2 output with softmax


  • retry s2s with glove & no training of embeddings
  • decaying lr; eg start at 1.0 then decay over time (eg 'reasoning about entailment')
  • larger MLP? (deeper and larger hidden layer) ?
  • sanity check swap_symmetric again; if only with neutral egs
  • unidir on s2 attending back to bidir run over s1; then just MLP on s2 output
  • preloading of data; it's slow to start
  • unrolling? maybe not bother for hacking. might be finally up to a point where batching speed matters...

appendix: vocab check

time cat data/snli_1.0_train.jsonl \
 | ./parse_distinct_tokens.py \
 | sort -k2 -nr \
 > token_freq.tsv

(and build a vocab)

note: reserve 0 idx for UNK token

cut -f1 token_freq.tsv | nl | awk '{print $2 "\t" $1}' > vocab.tsv

36_391 entries (nice and small!)

but an unusual set compared to, say, the 1e6 sentence corpus...

token 1e6 freq token snli freq
. 970059 a 1441039
of 845203 . 964030
and 645219 the 535493
in 602064 in 407662
to 488035 is 374068
a 482654 man 266490
is 243535 on 236203
' 241019 and 206529
was 239712 are 199381
-lrb- 237887 of 192415
-rrb- 237400 with 169513
` 212268 woman 137794
as 197400 two 122247
for 185954 people 121335
by 162542 , 114538
with 162149 to 114072
on 160348 at 98790
that 150584 wearing 81141
's 148546 an 80334
'' 124864 his 72550
`` 122000 young 61596
from 110950 men 61112
his 109739 playing 59568
he 109146 girl 59345
it 108952 boy 58354
at 100304 white 57115
are 93788 shirt 56578
an 87625 while 56323
were 85952 black 55133
which 83635 dog 54026