
It is simple react app display a cafe menu for drinks and snacks.

Primary LanguageJavaScript




It is the assessment for springboard react. It is a cafe page which can show the drink items, snack items.

Starting Up

Run npm i to install the dependencies and npm start to start the server. The front end code will be available at http://localhost:3000 The back end code will be avialble at http://localhost:5000.


  • The homepage should show the food items (“snacks”) and drink choices (“drinks”)
  • The navbar should add a new link, “Drinks”, leading to a page listing the drinks — just like the “Snacks” link leads to a page listing food items.
  • The drink listing page should show a list of drink choices, with each being a link to the details about the drink, just like for food items.
  • turn these into generic components that can work with either food or drink lists/items.
  • add a page that lets site users add either a drink or a snack.
  • Make sure there is a 404 page.


HomePage Homepage Snacks route, it lists the snacks and you can open for snack description. snack You can open a add a item form by the end. Homepage You can check the successful addded item and view the description. Homepage Homepage

When you check an unexisting route, it will show a customzied 404 page. Homepage

Code design

  • There are two hooks: One is itemHook, which uses for displaying specific item details.( drinks for snacks). Another is menu hook: It is designed for displaying the menu (show the list of items).
  • The navbar render the homepage nav links.
  • The add item form is for adding items and it is herited add function from parent App.js.
  • App.js has the main nav bar and it is the whole parent of all the the components. You also can find browswer routes definitions there.