
An AndroidStudio plugin use for generate findViewById code automatic.

Primary LanguageKotlin


Free your hands, make coding easy.

An AndroidStudio plugin use for generate findViewById code automatic.

Support both of Java and Kotlin code generation.


  • install from release jar

    • Navigation -> File -> Settings -> Plugins -> On the top side, click 'gear' icon -> install plugin form disk -> choose the jar you download
  • install from IntelliJ Plugin Repository

    • Navigation -> File -> Settings -> Plugins -> search 'Generate FindViewById'


  • Press 'Alt + Insert', in generate popup window, the first item is 'Generate FindViewById'

  • Press 'Ctrl + Alt + 1'


Kotlin dependency <depends>org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends> must import kotlin plugin jars as project dependency first, import dependency from Project Structure > Module > Dependencies, choose kotlin plugin your IDEA installation path > plugin > kotlin > lib.


generate mapping dialog generate code