Hi 👋, I'm Denis Blinkov

Useful facts:

  • ⭐️ Currently I'm working at Rostelecom (Since 2022) as Python backend developer. Previously I worked at Sber and Express messenger
  • 🦾 Having ~2.5 years of experience (mostly in Python), I am now switching to the Golang stack because I really like this language and want to develop highly loaded, scalable, robust systems that are built in Go rather than other programming languages.
  • Have high passionate about and progressing in Go, Backend development and Systems design
  • 🤖 I know a bunch about Python, Javascript, and I've tried many other programming languages and technologies (GameDev(unity), DS/ML, frontend development)
  • 📫 Contact me via Telegram or d.blinkovv@yandex.ru