
FindRestaurant app lists popular restaurants which are nearby to users. Users can get direction to any selected restaurant or they can look for details of the restaurant.

Primary LanguageSwift


  • Nearby popular restaurants can be examined by users in FindRestaurant App.
  • Users can see the distances and minutes to restaurants.
  • Users can get the direction to chosen restaurant from their current location and they can find the details of chosen restaurant in Restaurant Detail Page.
  • Users can also achieve the Zomato page of the chosen restaurant for more details.
  • Technologies Used

    • UIKit
    • Storyboard
    • Networking
    • JSON Parsing
    • Public APIs
    • MapKit
    • Core Location
    • SafariServices
    • UITableView
    • Custom TableViewCell
    • Custom MKAnnotation
    • Custom UILabel
    • Custom UIButton

    Getting Started

    Get the Api key from Zomato API and use it in NetworkManager.


    Trulli Trulli

    Trulli Trulli
