
Demo CRUD .NET 6 and Sql Server Web App. Testing Docker integration and SonarQube.

Primary LanguageC#

DotNet, SqlServer, SonarQube & Docker

Demo CRUD Web App, using .NET 6, Sql Server and SonarQube for testing Docker integration.

Make sure you're using the project Docker-Compose as startup project in Visual Studio and your Docker Desktop is updated!

Database (Sql Server instance)

Once you'll be running the docker container, the database will we exposed and accessible at localhost,1440

  • Username: sa
  • Password: N3tDockeDemo@!


The SonarQube dashboard will be listening at localhost:9000.

In order to use it, make sure you have Java SDK o JRE installed and JAVA_HOME as systema variables.

  1. Login with admin and admin, then you'll need to choose a new password;
  2. Select "Manually" and create a new project (ex. "DotNet-Docker-Easy");
  3. Follow the "Locally" instructions for testing SonarQube using the CLI Tool;
  4. Once done, the dashboard will automatically refresh and show the report.

Test example

You'll find these instructions, with the correct token, in your local SonarQube Dashboard once you'll have configured the project.

As a prerequisite you need to have the sonarscanner tool installed globally using the following command:

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-sonarscanner

Make sure dotnet tools folder is in your path. See dotnet global tools documentation for more information.

Running a SonarQube analysis is straighforward. You just need to execute the following commands at the root of your solution.

dotnet sonarscanner begin /k:"DotNet-Docker-Easy" /d:sonar.host.url="http://localhost:9000"  /d:sonar.login="220a1b80db80794602542934ce81c250fc0e6cba"
dotnet build
dotnet sonarscanner end /d:sonar.login="220a1b80db80794602542934ce81c250fc0e6cba"

Once you'll have run the previous commands, the SonarQube dashboard will automatically refresh and look like this:
