
A simple user management application written using React, Node.js, Express, TypeScript, Vite and MongoDB.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A simple user management application written using React, Node.js, Express, TypeScript, Vite and MongoDB.

Base URLs

  • Client: http://localhost:3000
  • Server: http://localhost:9000

Installation & Configuration

  1. Run npm install in both the /server and /client directories to install all of the necessary dependencies.
  2. Duplicate the .env.example file in both the /server and /client directories.
  3. In /server/.env, set the MONGO_DB_URI variable to your MongoDB connection URI.
  4. In /client/.env, set the REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL variable to the base URL of your back-end.

Starting The Application

  1. Boot up the back-end by running npm run dev in the /server directory.
  2. Boot up the front-end by running npm run dev in the /client directory.


Implemented Since Submission (Saturday, June 4th, 2022 at 4:32 PM)

  1. Implemented the /assign/:id page, to segregate modifying permissions to another page.
  2. Implemented paging for the GET /users endpoint.
  3. Added missing Status field in the Edit Employee modal.
  4. Implemented sorting to the EmployeesTable component.
  5. Implemented filtering for the GET /users endpoint.
  6. Fixed the page counter bug.


  • Time: Saturday, June 4th, 2022 at 11:40 PM
  • Commit Hash: 5b78cf7c1a31e6d1839de269f941afc4ad90feb2