
Xcode Templates for Clean Code architecture


git init git@github.com:denisPoifol/XcodeTemplates.git
mkdir -p ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/Custom
ln -s XCodeTemplates ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/Custom

or simply by cloning this repository directly in the Templates directory

mkdir -p ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/Custom
git init git@github.com:denisPoifol/XcodeTemplates.git ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/Custom


Just create a new file in Xcode :

File > New > File or Cmd n

And simply select the template you want to create it should appear at the bottom of the window Xcode just opened for you in the section Custom or the name of the folder you created in the Templates directory


Presenter ViewContract Template

This template create all required files for a new screen in your app :

  • A viewContract file : to define your viewContract's requirements
  • A presenter file: to define your presenter's requirements
  • A viewController file : that implements a viewController that conforms to your viewContract and hold a reference to your presenter
  • A controllerViewModel file : which is basically a viewModel for your viewController
  • A controllerViewModelMapper file : implementing a mapper for the above viewModel
  • A presenterImplementation file : defining a concrete class for you presenter

View ViewModel Mapper Template

This template create 3 files :

  • A view file : to implement your view class
  • A ViewModel file : it is basically an empty struct
  • A ViewModelMapper : it also is a struct with no proporties and a map() -> ViewModel method

Interactor Template

The interactor template creates an empty interactor class with a execute(_ completion((Result<$returnType>) -> Void)?) method

If use promiseKit is selected an extension for the interactor is created with a method executePromise() -> Promise<$returnType>

Repository Template

The repository template create an empty protocol inheriting from class. And an empty class implementing this protocol