- This is a kotlin app that displays information about TV shows, movies and actors
- Mihut Denisa Georgiana
- 15.07.2022
- Lang: EN
- https://developer.android.com/studio/intro
- https://colorhunt.co/palette/293462d61c4efeb139fff80a
- https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/378135/video_camera_icon
- MVVM Architecture
- RecyclerView using GridLayoutManager
- using Fragment and Activity
- using Room
- Retrofit & Retrofit2
- using API queries to populate local db
- SearchView for Fragment
- SearchView for Activity
- Glide library to display image views
- using coroutines
- group string values and refactor
- change name of variables in layout files
- test for crashes
- updated ui on boarding
- change the aspect of genre tab
- change logo color from palette
- refactor files in packages
- refactor fragments in packages
- add skip button to preferences
- add new tab with my preferences
- functionality for selected genre
- change all colors in the app
- add search view to actors 50%
- add more fields to movies, actors and genres 20%
- functionality tab that can reselect the preferences
- add actor details
- get movies with certain actors and vice-versa
- create functionality for skip button