Progressive web apps (PWA) are responsive, fast, available offline, and allow your users to install them on their mobile devices - just add icons, manifest.json, and service-worker.js.
2021 PWA on GitHub Pages using Workbox 7
- A browser (e.g., Bing - Lighthouse audits work!)
- A text editor (e.g., VS Code)
- A favorite API (a service that will respond to requests)
- Host the site with GitHub Pages
Due to path changes when hosting with GitHub Pages this version will not work with Live Server. (We would have to autogenerate the manifest file depending on host - see scope and start_url.)
- Create manifest.json to provide information about your app.
- Create favicons and icons (users can install a PWA on their devices)
- Create service-worker.js
- Add index.html links and icons to manifest.json
- Add index.html script to register a service worker running independently, capable of intercepting all fetch requests and adjusting for offline, caching, and more
- To audit, open in GitHub Pages using Eddge browser InPrivate window.
- Score app with Lighthouse. Right-click / Inspect / Lighthouse (last tab).
- Workbox - PWA Libraries
- Workbox Caching Strategies
PWA can be installed. We need icons to handle different devices.
Basic icon built with
- Text: :)
- Background: Circle
- Font family: Farro
- Font size: 110
- Color: #FFFFFF
- Background: #006747
Download and save/expand zipfile in images folder.
- Create at least one maskable icon.
- Editor will do this online from an existing icon.
- Create Apple Touch Icons.
- Apple Touch Icon Generator will do this online from an existing icon.
- Inspect the cache - many service-worker issues can be helped with right-click / Inspect / Application tab. Explore the cache. Click "clear storage" to delete all cached content.
- Add to Home Screen Criteria - your app must meet the add to home screen criteria in order for the 'beforeinstallprompt' event to be fired and your app installed.
- Android Trouble-shooting. If you delete your PWA, it goes to App Trash and you can't reinstall while its there. Delete another app to get the App Trash prompt, go to App Trash, select the PWA, and delete it. Now you can reinstall.
- iOS Troubleshooting - Enabling iOS Splash Screens for Progressive Web Apps
- Inspect Registered Service Workers on your machine
- Inspect may move here later
- Service Workers - Overview
- Service Workers - Lifecycle
- How to Add Maskable Icon
- PWA Workshop