
A skeleton repository for generating graph structured data with engine block and assethub at DataStax

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a skeleton repository for generating graph structured data with engine block and AssetHub at DataStax. There are four sections to this README:

A. A Quick startup.order refresher

B. Files to Edit

C. Mapping Variables Between Files

D. More Resources

A Quick startup.order refresher

A quick refresher on understanding .startup/startup.order

There are four required items for creating an asset in AssetHub that generates graph structured data.

  1. hugo

This startup script downloads and installs hugo. AssetHub use hugo for asset documentation.

  1. nomnoml

The nomnoml startup script starts the server for documentation. Documentation is viewable on port :1313.

  1. ebdserun

This startup script starts the data insertion process by calling runebdse.sh

  1. uploadNotebook

The uploadNotebook startup script uses the Studio APIs and imports the NotebookSkeleton.studio-nb.tar to studio

Files to Edit

Most of your work will be in the following files:

  1. ebdse/runebdse.sh

This file defines the size of your graph, different engine block variables, and engine block commands.

  1. ebdse/activities/driver.yaml

This file contains the dse graph statements that engine block will execute.

  1. NotebookSkeleton.studio-nb.tar

This an example notebook that posts at the end of the data generation process.

  1. docsrc/content/index.html

This file is the asset specific documentation to view on port :1313.

Mapping Variables Between Files

The bulk of the work is understanding how to translate variables defined in runebdse.sh over to driver.yaml. This section gives you a quick tour of the ones you will use the most.

  1. /tmp/ebdse/ebdse run yaml=driver

The important piece here is yaml=driver. This indicates that the commands for ebdse are in driver.yaml

  1. tags=phase:create-graph

This indicates which phase to execute in driver.yaml. This maps to the definition in your driver.yaml that looks like:

- name: create-graph
   phase: create-graph
  1. nameofgraph=$graphname

This indicates which graph to alter. In runebdse.sh, you set this via graphname=<<nameOfYourGraph>>.

  1. host=$host

This is configurable to be your local host or a node in your cluster. The best options:

a. node0 (for working in a cluster)

b. localhost (for working locally)

  1. cycles=$person

cycles indicates how many times the statement is to be executed. In runebdse.sh, we defined person=500. This means that the statementn in driver.yaml under the phase take will be executed person number of times, or 500 times. For schema and set-up related statements, we want cycles=1.

  1. All other variable=$variable statements

This is the key to passing variables over to ebdse execution statements. The variables you define in runebdse.sh can be passed as command line arguments with this syntax

More Resources

  1. Complex Graph Structure Example

  2. General EBDSE Documentation

  3. All Data Generation Functions