
Create a trackhub using AWS Lambda, python daler/trackhub package, and save it to S3.

Primary LanguagePython

Lambda S3 trackhub

Use API Gateway to accept a JSON object of trackhub information.
Use AWS Lambda to run a python script that uses daler/trackhub to create a trackhub and save it to S3.

Setup instructions

  1. Create a zip file of Python code


Create a virtual environment Install the requirements.txt

Add site packages to base directory of zip

zip -r9 ~/CreateTrackhub.zip .

Add create_trackhub.py to zip

cd lambda-create-trackhub
zip -g CreateTrackhub.zip create_trackhub.py
  1. Create a Lambda function and upload the zip file to the function

Go to lambda console.


Create Function Upload ZIP file in 'Function code'

  1. Create a Role that can write to S3 by following:

Creating a function will prompt you to create a role.


It needs to be able to have S3 permissions for GetObject, GetObjectAcl, PutObject, PutObjectAcl

  1. Use 'Add triggers' to create an api gateway that calls the function


Have it require an API key.

  1. Call lambda function using API Gateway POST request

Include x-api-key in header with API key as value. Body is raw JSON (application/json) with sample.json included in body It should return a JSON object with 'hubPath' key that points to the hubName.hub.txt that was created in S3.

useful links
