Portfolio of skills and projects developed during and after Makers Academy

Denise Yu .com

I am a full-stack web developer and designer who likes building applications with intuitive user stories, encapsulated code, and comprehensive testing. From September 15, 2014 to December 5, 2014, I completed a 12-week web development course at Makers Academy. I am currently seeking a junior developer role in London, New York, San Francisco, Boulder, or Denver.

My non-coding interests include policy design, behavioral sciences, parliamentary debating, and contemplating the economics of the zombie apocalypse. My academic background is social policy, philosophy, and economics. In my spare time, I like to take photographs, play the piano, and create spontaneous art projects.

Software Development Work Experience

[Third Space Learning] (https://thirdspacelearning.com)

Full-stack Junior Ruby-on-Rails Development Intern

I work on building features, maintaining, refactoring, and testing the main application, written in Ruby-on-Rails.

Key responsibilities:

  • Working closely with Product Manager and customer teams to define and deliver user stories
  • Reviewing code each time a merge request is submitted to development branch
  • Architecting and implementing features across the stack
  • Participating in sprint planning to scope, define, and create time estimates for tasks
  • Writing model, controller, and features tests to retroactively cover legacy code
  • Helping to research new technologies and frameworks for upcoming feature builds

Key skills:

  • Agile work processes, including use of user stories, kan-ban, code review
  • Front-end development: Vanilla JS, jQuery, AJAX, HTML5, SCSS/CSS, responsive design, mockups in Gimp
  • Back-end development: MySQL, Rails, AWS
  • Version control: Git, Gitlab, Git flow, Capistrano
  • Testing: RSpec, Capybara

Selected Portfolio

Project Repo Deployed at Description
Pandapop Pandapop.co MA Final project from Team Pandapop: myself, Sandrine, Nicole, and Sean. A social karaoke platform built on the YouTube API in Rails 4 with a dash of jQuery, Angular, and HTTParty to help karaoke enthusiasts enjoy a seamless, free karaoke experience at home.
Instacat Instacat on Heroku Clone of Instagram, built in Rails during Week 9. A photo-sharing platform for feline aficionados.
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock RPSLS on Heroku Week 6 foray into Javascript and jQuery. Play Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock against a computer. Hover over the title words for rules.
TextSupport TBA on Wix App Store Second-place winning entry for Wix Hackathon (Nov 7-9, 2014), along with Spike, James, and Ben. A tool to help small business owners respond instantly to customer questions from a mobile browser. Built in NodeJS with socket.io, Twilio, Mailgun, and Wix SDK for the Wix App Store.
Chitter Chitter on Heroku Week 4 challenge to replicate Twitter functionality with Ruby and Sinatra. Users can post to a public feed and comment on other posts.
Pair Programming Randomizer PPR on Heroku A side project created after Makers Academy. Small Sinatra app using jQuery and Javascript to help Makers Academy mix it up while pair-programming

Technical Skills


Test-Driven Development (TDD)
Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)
Agile Methodology & Best Practices
SOLID Design Principles
Pair Programming
Version Control with Git




ExpressJS on NodeJS

Test Frameworks


Front-End Skills



Adobe Photoshop

Databases and ORMs


Non-Technical Skills

Public Speaking

For the last ten years, I have been actively involved in American and British-style parliamentary debate, Model United Nations, Mock Trial. I am experienced in public speaking, extemporaneous debating, speechwriting, and copywriting.


I have extensive experience teaching students from the ages of 10-15. I worked at the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth for two years, coordinated a non-profit college preparation program with Let's Get Ready, and coached debate for The School at Columbia University as well as Clapton Girls' Academy through DebateMate UK. I also have some familiarity with curriculum design and education policy.


I managed the day-to-day operations of a 3-partner law firm in Manhattan from 2012-2013 and ran the Columbia University Parliamentary Debate Society from 2010-2012. I am experienced with event planning, budget creation, logistics, and administration.

Emergency Medicine

I am a certified first-responder in the State of New York. I completed 180 hours of training with Emergency Care Programs in Bronx, NY in March 2013. I am trained in CPR and Basic Life Support.

Academic Background

The London School of Economics & Political Science, London (2013-2014)

MSc, Social Policy & Planning

Columbia University, New York, NY (2009-2012)

BA, Economics & Philosophy

Work Experience

  • Debate Coach, DebateMate, London, UK (2013-2014)
  • Legal Assistant, Hurwitz Stampur & Roth, New York, NY (2012-2013)
  • Environmental Registry Intern, Markit, New York, NY (2011)
  • Program Coordinator, Let's Get Ready, Boston, MA (2010)

Complete CV here