
The books and workshops that I have *invested* my Learning & Development budget on


The books and workshops that I have invested my Learning & Development budget on in the last 3 years.



  • The Manager's Path, Camille Fournier
  • The Making of a Manager, Julie Zhuo
  • Staff Engineer, Will Larson
  • An Elegant Puzzle, Will Larson
  • Managing Humans, Michael Lopp
  • Resilient Management, Lara Hogan
  • Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams, Tom DeMarco & Timothy Lister
  • A Lapsed Anarchist's Approach to Being a Better Leader, Ari Weinzweig
  • Measure What Matters, John Doerr
  • Turn the Ship Around, David Marquet
  • Start With Why, Simon Sinek
  • Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni
  • Crucial Conversations, Joseph Grenny
  • Dare to Lead, Brene Brown
  • The Coaching Habit, Michael Bungay Stanier
  • 97 Things Every Engineering Manager Should Know, Camille Fournier
  • Talking with Tech Leads, Patrick Kua
  • The Retrospective Handbook, Patrick Kua
  • Making Work Visible, Dominica DeGrande
  • The Innovator's Dilemma, Clayton Christenson
  • Building Great Software Engineering Teams, Joshua Tyler
  • The Mythical Man-month, Fred Brooks

Application Development

  • Working Effectively with Legacy Code, Michael Feathers
  • Growign Object Oriented Systems, Steve Freeman
  • Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, Kent Beck
  • Extreme Programming Explained, Kent Beck
  • Design Patterns, Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vissides
  • Designing Interfaces, Jennifer Tidwell
  • Explore It! Reduce Risk and Increase Confidence with Exploratory Testing, Elisabeth Hendrickson
  • Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby, Sandi Metz
  • 99 Bottles of OOP, Sandi Metz & Katrina Owen

Data Science

  • Data Feminism, Catherine D'Ignazio
  • Superforecasting, Philip Tetlock
  • Automating Inequality, Virginia Eubanks
  • Algorithms of Oppression, Safiya Umoja
  • Weapons of Math Destruction, Cathy O'Neil

SRE/DevOps/Reliability - focus on process

  • Site Reliability Engineering, Beyer, Jones, Petoff, Murphy
  • The Challenger Launch Decision, Diane Vaughn
  • The Checklist Manifesto, Atul Gawande
  • Implementing Service Level Objectives, Alex Hidalgo
  • Release It! Michael T. Nygard
  • Seeking SRE, David Blank-Edelman
  • Cloud Native Patterns, Cornelia Davis
  • The Art of Scalability, Martin Abbott
  • Thinking in Systems, Donella Meadows
  • The Phoenix Project, Gene Kim
  • The Unicorn Project, Gene Kim
  • The DevOps Handbook, Gene Kim

Infrastructure/Databases - focus on tech/tools

  • Designing Data-Intensive Applications, Martin Kleppmann
  • Designing Distributed Systems, Brendan Burns
  • Production-Ready Microservices, Susan Fowler
  • BPF Performance Tools, Brendan Gregg
  • Database Internals, Alex Petrov
  • Distributed Algorithms, Nancy Lynch

Game Development/Design

  • Level Up! The Guide to Great Video Game Design, Scott Rogers
  • Game Design Vocabulary, Anna Anthropy
  • Game Design and Play: An iterative approach to game design, Colleen Macklin
  • Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals, Katie Salen Tekinbas
  • Game Engine Black Book: Wolfenstein 3D, Fabien Sanglard
  • The Gamification of Learning and Instruction Fieldbook, Karl Kapp


  • On Writing Well, William Zinser
  • Non-violent Communication, Marshall B. Rosenberg
  • Say What You Mean: A mindful approach to Nonviolent Communication, Oren Jay Sofer
  • Just Enough Research, Erika Hall
  • Strategic Writing for UX, Torrey Podmajersky
  • Bird by Bird, Anne Lamott
  • Because Internet, Gretchen McCulloch
  • Radical Candor, Kim Scott

DI&B/Social justice

  • Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male America, Ijeoma Oluo
  • How to be an Anti-Racist, Ibram X. Kendi
  • How to do the Work, Dr. Nicole Lepera
  • Hood Feminism, Mikki Kendall



These are conferences I've attended over the years OR heard positive things about from trusted friends, not necessarily in the last 3 years.


  • The Lead Developer
    • The Lead Dev Together
    • StaffPlus


  • RailsConf
  • Bath Ruby
  • EuRuKo
  • EuroClojure
  • JSConf


  • CraftConf
  • Software Craft & Testing (SoCraTes)
    • Codefreeze
    • SoCraTes UK
    • SoCraTes Germany
  • Codebar Festival
  • SRECon
  • DevOpsDays
  • QCon