
Primary LanguageJavaScript

pandapop! try it live!


A social karaoke platform built with the YouTube API and Ruby on Rails. Pandapop was created by karaoke lovers, for karaoke lovers, to facilitate a more seamless, natural JPop-style karaoke experience when streaming YouTube videos. Users can search for karaoke videos without interrupting the currently-playing track, queue up their favorite songs, and build themed playlists for future karaoke parties!

MA Demo Night presentation available here!



Technologies Used

  • Ruby on Rails
  • jQuery
  • AJAX
  • Angular
  • PostgresQL
  • ActiveRecord
  • Git + Heroku
  • TDD with Rspec, Poltergeist, Capybara, FactoryGirl
  • YouTube API
  • Amazon Web Services S3
  • HTTParty, Devise, CanCanCan, Figaro


To run:

Make sure you have Ruby and Rails installed first:

gem install rails

Clone the repo locally and launch the Rails server:

git clone git@github.com:MadameSardine/pandapop.git
cd pandapop
bundle install
rails s

To test:

git clone git@github.com:MadameSardine/pandapop.git
cd pandapop


Team Pandapop would like to thank all of the coaches at Makers Academy for their invaluable help throughout final project week and the entire course. Special thanks goes out to Dana, for introducing September Cohort to Makers Karaoke on Fridays!