This repository contains code for asynchronous example api using the Fast Api framework ,Uvicorn server, Postgres Database to perform crud operations on items.
Ensure Docker is installed.
Ensure Docker Compose is installed.
create .env file and fill it
DATABASE_USER=postgres DATABASE_PASSWORD=postgres DATABASE_NAME=postgres DATABASE_HOST=db DATABASE_PORT=5432 APP_PORT=8000 GRAFANA_ADMIN_USER=admin GRAFANA_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin GRAYLOG_HOST=graylog GRAYLOG_PORT_UDP=12201 GRAYLOG_PASSWORD=somepasswordpepper GRAYLOG_PASSWORD_SHA=415e8a6ba1c3eb93e81df34731acc3d60efee685c8e6f7412592a45ba3a0e3b0
Use Docker-Compose to spin up containers
docker-compose up -d --build
If everything completes frontend page with notes list should be available on frontend
Swagger are generated on Swagger
Tests are available using pytest
Run them using pytest .
while in the root directory (/Fast-Api-example)
Open API Documentation is provided by Redoc
Prometheus is provided by Prometheus
Graphana is provided by Graphana
Graylog is provided by Graylog. Default admin user is admin
Contributions are welcome, please open an issue or submit a PR.