Attention: Do you want to explore the world? Map Vibes is the perfect app for you!
Interest: Map Vibes is a Direction App that brings you the opportunity to explore new destinations in the world, and also take you on a new adventure and experience in your own backyard.
Desire: Explore breathtaking routes and places with Map Vibes to make your vacation more memorable. Book your flight now!
You need Composer & Node.js to download the required packages for Map Vibes to function, on the parent directory you have to run composer install & npm install.
- We recommend using Laragon
- Map Vibes won’t run with PHP versions that are lower than 8.0
- Map Vibes uses MySql as database, version of MySql should be higher than 5.7
- Map Vibes uses TAILWIND CSS framework, for UI
First of all we have to install all dependencies needed for the project using this composer command: composer install
To generate a new .env file for SIA, you should run this command: mv .env.example .env
To clear your application cache: php artisan cache:clear
For a faster load of application we recommend you run this command: composer dump-autoload
To set the APP_KEY value in your .env file: php artisan key:generate
To enable Tailwind CSS for Map Vibes run: composer require laravel-frontend-presets tailwindcss
You have to run these four commands to install node required dependencies: npm install
npm install --save --legacy-peer-deps
npm install laravel-mix@latest --save-dev
npm run dev -
To create e link into storage directory to save files run: php artisan storage:link
To install tables into your database run:To install tables into your database run: php artisan migrate