
A simple angular js app dockerized

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Angular Docker Boilerplate Circle CI

See deployed demo at web-1.angular-docker-boilerplate.dciccale.cont.tutum.io


$ git clone --recursive git://github.com/dciccale/angular-docker-boilerplate.git
$ git submodule foreach npm install
$ [sudo] make install


$ npm start


Run client and server tests

$ npm test

If you want to run the tests sepparately use:

$ gulp test-client
$ gulp test-server


Code coverage report is generated:

for client code in coverage/client/

for server code in coverage/server/


$ make build

Generates a dist diretory with all the files ready to serve.

Run in production mode.

$ make run


The api is on it's own repository https://github.com/dciccale/node-api-mongo-docker and is linked to this container.


Install Docker and Compose

Start docker and run:

$ docker-compose up

See docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile

Will install all dependencies, build the app for production and start the server.

Image at DockerHub dciccale/angular-docker-boilerplate

Continuous Integration

With CircleCI, see circle.yml

Build url: https://circleci.com/gh/dciccale/angular-docker-boilerplate

Continuous Delivery

With Tutum, see tutum.yml

See deployed node at http://web-1.angular-docker-boilerplate.dciccale.cont.tutum.io

Deploy to Tutum


  • For now it only provides a production ready docker image, I want to provide a development enviroment also.