
parrot.nvim 🦜 - the plugin that brings stochastic parrots to Neovim.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

parrot.nvim 🦜

This is parrot.nvim, the ultimate stochastic parrot to support your text editing inside Neovim.

parrot.nvim logo

[!NOTE]⚠️ This repository is still a work in progress, as large parts of the code are still being simplified and restructured. It is based on the brilliant work gp.nvim by https://github.com/Robitx.

Currently, we support the following providers:

I started this repository because a perplexity subscription provides $5 of API credits every month for free. Instead of letting them go to waste, I modified my favorite GPT plugin, gp.nvim, to meet my needs - a new Neovim plugin was born! 🔥


Seamlessly switch between providers and agents.

Trigger code completions based on comments.

Let the parrot fix your bugs.

Getting Started



  dependencies = { "fzf-lua", "plenary" },
  config = function()
    require("parrot").setup {
      providers = {
        pplx = {
          api_key = os.getenv "PERPLEXITY_API_KEY",
          -- OPTIONAL
          -- gpg command
          -- api_key = { "gpg", "--decrypt", vim.fn.expand("$HOME") .. "/pplx_api_key.txt.gpg"  },
          -- macOS security tool
          -- api_key = { "/usr/bin/security", "find-generic-password", "-s pplx-api-key", "-w" },
        openai = {
          api_key = os.getenv "OPENAI_API_KEY",
        anthropic = {
          api_key = os.getenv "ANTHROPIC_API_KEY",


For now, refer to my personal lazy.nvim setup for custom hooks and key bindings.


Adding a new agents

We provide two types of agents that might need different system prompts and API parameters. To make a new chat agent available, one simply adds a new entry to the list chat or to command, respectively.

require("parrot").setup {
    -- ...
    agents = {
        chat = {
              name = "CodeLlama",
              model = { model = "codellama", temperature = 1.5, top_p = 1, num_ctx = 8192, min_p = 0.05 },
              system_prompt = "Help me!",
              provider = "ollama",
    -- ...


Below are the available commands that can be configured as keybindings. These commands are included in the default setup. Additional useful commands are implemented through hooks (see my example configuration).


Command Description
PrtNew open a new chat
PrtProvider <provider> switch the provider (empty arg triggers fzf)
PrtAgent <agent> switch the agent (empty arg triggers fzf)
PrtChatToggle <target> toggle chat window
PrtInfo print plugin config
PrtContext edits the local context file
PrtAsk ask the selected agent a single question
PrtChatFinder fuzzy search chat files using fzf


The following commands can be triggered with visual selections.

Command Description
PrtChatNew <target> paste visual selection into new chat (defaults to toggle_target)
PrtChatToggle <target> paste visual selection into new chat (defaults to toggle_target)
PrtImplement implements selected comment/instruction


The following commands are available within the chat files.

Command Description
PrtChatDelete delete the present chat file (requires confirmation)
PrtChatRespond trigger chat respond
PrtAsk ask the selected agent a single question
PrtStop interrupt ongoing respond

Adding a new command


require("parrot").setup {
    -- ...
    hooks = {
      -- PrtAsk simply ask a question that should be answered short and precisely.
      Ask = function(parrot, params)
            local template = [[
            In light of your existing knowledge base, please generate a response that
            is succinct and directly addresses the question posed. Prioritize accuracy
            and relevance in your answer, drawing upon the most recent information
            available to you. Aim to deliver your response in a concise manner,
            focusing on the essence of the inquiry.
            Question: {{command}}
            local agent = parrot.get_command_agent()
            parrot.logger.info("Asking agent: " .. agent.name)
            parrot.Prompt(params, parrot.ui.Target.popup, "🤖 Ask ~ ", agent.model, template, "", agent.provider)
    -- ...

Known Issues

  • In case of a corrupted state, simply remove the file ~/.local/share/nvim/parrot/persisted/state.json

more to come ...