
Yandex Database Node.js SDK

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

How to use

Install dependencies and compile library

npm ci
npm run build:lib

Set environment variables for proper authentication

Variables which should not be set for a specific installation are explicitly set to an empty value, so that startup script correctly detects which installation you are aiming at.

For internal YDB cluster

export SA_ID=
export YDB_TOKEN= # here comes your oauth token
export ENTRYPOINT=grpc:// # here comes your internal entrypoint hostname
export DB= # here comes your internal db name
export YDB_SDK_LOGLEVEL=debug

For Yandex.Cloud YDB cluster

export YDB_TOKEN=
export SA_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE= # here should be the path to the file with your service account's private key
export YDB_SSL_ROOT_CERTIFICATES_FILE= # here should be the path to ssl root certificate for YDB installation, optional
export IAM_ENDPOINT= # by default it is iam.api.cloud.yandex.net:443
export SA_ID= # here come you service account's id
export SA_ACCESS_KEY_ID= # here comes your service account's key id
export ENTRYPOINT=grpcs:// # here comes your cloud entrypoint hostname
export DB= # here comes your cloud db name
export YDB_SDK_LOGLEVEL=debug

Run basic-example script

(cd examples && npm ci)
npm run build:examples
npm start