
An exercise and a tool

Primary LanguageElixir


Installation Guide

  1. Enter into our mentorapp_web cd ./apps/mentorapp_web

  2. Get our deps mix deps.get npm install --prefix assets

  3. Create DB and setup migration mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate

  4. Create a .env file in the root fold apps/mentorapp_web/.env

  5. Create an github app and retreive your client_id and client_secret a. Visit https://github.com/settings/developers b. Click on new OAuth app and enter the following information

    • Application name: Mentorapp - Local
    • Homepage URL - http://localhost:4000
    • Authorization callback URL - http://localhost:4000/auth/github/callback c. Once created, grab your Client ID and Client Secret
  6. Add 4c information into to the .env like so

export GITHUB_CLIENT_ID="somethingclientid" 
export GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET="1231312331231231212312" 
  1. Generate a secret base and add it to .env
mix phx.gen.secret


export GITHUB_CLIENT_ID="somethingclientid" 
export GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET="1231312331231231212312" 
export SECRET_KEY_BASE="LAgNrezvWW2R3Ak9wBOqk1Fgimmvfgt2BjYUZyjeYxwYoIVzy+MtacdnMfR200UK" 
  1. Once that's done ran the following command whenver .env changes or reboot. Big thanks to DarckBlezzer

source .env && iex -S mix phx.server