Grabs news articles from gmail and publish them in pelican.
I like to send links/articles to my gmail account, as a way to save them for further readin/consultation.
I use "virtual addresses" to categorize these emails automatically. For example:
my email address =
python articles =
ruby articles =
My goal with this project is to:
- fetch all my emails that match a specific query
- parse its contents
- create an html file for each email
If the email is plain/text, with a single url in it, we'll use the requests library and beautifulsoup to generate an html file. If the email is multipart (text/html), we'll just save its contents as an html file.
I'm using pelican to generate a static blog, using the above mentioned html files.
pip install beaultifulsoup4
pip install requests
pip install google-api-python-client
pip install PyYaml
sudo apt-get install python-html5lib
- Create sample config files
- Create a cleanup function to remove email addresses from the final html file (email list provided in the config file)
- Create a package to install all the dependencies automatically
- Add an option to fetch only new messages based on the message id
- Create unittests
- Refactor the create_metadata, create_content and parse_messages functions