Web application template web-app-template.deniss-muhla.now.sh
- Yarn (package manager)
- TypeScript
- Create React App (base system)
- Material-UI (UI framework)
- Redux (state management)
- Redux-Saga (state management and business logic)
- LinguiJS (l10n)
- Cypress (testing)
Connector class is heart of modularized redux store. With it's help we can create consistent and refactoring friendly state management system.
- Create type shape of store and actions
export interface CustomState extends ConnectorState {
customString: string;
customObject: {
prop1: number
export type CustomActions = {
// Simple action without payload
customAction: ConnectorAction,
// Simple action with payload
customPayloadAction: ConnectorPayloadAction<string>,
// Async action with request and response payloads
customAsyncPayloadAction: ConnectorAsyncPayloadAction<number, number>
- Define connector configuration with reducers and redux sagas
// connected react component store state to props mapper
const mapStateToProps = (state: CustomState, _ownProps: {}, globalState: {}) => {
// Select props from other connector
const { firstProp } = firstNestedConnector.getState(globalState);
return {
const customCreateConnectorOptions: CreateConnectorOptions<CustomState, CustomActions> = {
// module name
name: 'app',
// initial module state
initialState: {
customString: '',
customObject: {
prop1: 0
// reducers
actionReducers: {
customAction: state => {
state.customString = 'a';
state.customObject.prop1 = 1;
customPayloadAction: (state, action) => {
state.customString = action.payload;
customAsyncPayloadAction: {
request: (state, action) => {
state.customString = `Start update ${action.payload}`;
response: (state, action) => {
state.customObject.prop1 = action.payload;
// redux sagas for business logic
actionSagas: {
// async method as example fetch data from API
customAsyncPayloadAction: async function(_connector, requestPayload) {
return Promise.resolve(requestPayload + 1);
// child connector modules
nestedConnectors: [firstNestedConnector, secondNestedConnector],
// use component props mapper
- Create connector class instance and export
// Create new connector
const customConnector = new Connector<CustomState, CustomActions>(customCreateConnectorOptions);
// Define component props type
export type CustomProps = ConnectorProps<ReturnType<typeof mapStateToProps>, CustomActions>;
export { customConnector };
start development server
yarn start
run tests
yarn cypress:open
build production distributive
yarn build