
WebAssembly FPGA Runtime Project

MIT LicenseMIT

WebAssembly FPGA Runtime

This is the project repository of the WebAssembly FPGA runtime. It comprises project goals, architectural documentation and general information regarding development and contribution.


Workspace setup

This project uses Google's Repo tool to work with multiple repositories.

Install repo tool

Use the following instructions to install the Repo tool.

~$ mkdir ~/bin
~$ PATH=~/bin:$PATH
~$ curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
~$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Further information regarding the Repo tool can be found here.

Clone repositories

After having installed the Repo tool, all project related repositories can be synced.

~git$ mkdir webassembly && cd webassembly
~git/webassembly$ repo init -u https://github.com/denisvasilik/wasm-fpga
~git/webassembly$ repo sync

Now, the workspace is ready for development.

Create Vivado projects

This project uses a Xilinx FPGA, therefore Xilinx Vivado is used for bitstream generation. Each IP project contains a Make target named project that is used to establish a Vivado project.

~git/webassembly$ for d in wasm-fpga-*/ ; do cd $d && make project && cd .. ; done

The Vivado project is located in the work directory of each wasm-fpga-* root folder.