CRM with main focus on Coffee-Technicans based on Angular 9, Angular-Material 9.x.
# Clone project
git clone
# Install Angular CLI
npm install -g @angular/cli
# prepare Json-Server as fake Restful API
cd ng-crm
# Install the packages with npm
npm install
# Start the app with npm
npm start
# Or use ng
ng serve
# Test with npm
npm run test
# Or use ng
ng test
# build for production
npm run build --prod=true
# run as production
install -g serve
serve dist
## Run / Test release without building new image
npm run build
# Launch nginx image to test latest release
docker pull nginx:alpine
docker run -p 8080:80 -v \
<your_aboslute_path>/dist:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx:alpine
# Build release image
docker build . -t nc-prd:2.0
# Launch the development image in the backgroud
docker run -d --publish 8080:80 --name nc2 nc-prd:2.0
# Check the log
docker logs nc2 -f
For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout following links please.
There are some similar projects respectively built on the Vue.js and React. If you have interests in those technical stacks. You can find and clone those repositories below.
Jun 2020 - Re-create the project with Angular CLI
The whole project is built from scratch based on the Angular CLI & Angular Material Schematics.
Oct 2018 - Rebase demo branch to master
New master doesn't rely on Json-Server as fake API. It will only have Readonly fake API. It means any new or updated data will be stored to any physical file. All test data will be rolled back after system restart.
Jan 2018 - Create an archived branch json-server
This branch was the master which used Json-Server as fake API. Considering the hiccup of setting Json-Server up and maintenance, it will be replaced by fake service ( Readonly fake API). You still can find clone this branch by branch name json-server, but it will be no longer updated. It is an archived branch.