
simplified inetd service

Primary LanguageC


simplified inetd service

Part 1: Mandatory Part

  • Run make mandatory in the directory.
  • server and client executables will be compiled.
  • Usage:
    • ./server for starting the server
    • ./client <id> for running the client, with <id> being the necessary argument.

Part 2: Bonus Part

  • Run make bonus in the directory.
  • inetd,inetd_client, service executables will be there. service is the executable for square and cube services.
  • NOTE: When you run the inetd service, make sure that you run the service in the same directory since service program will be in that directory.
  • Usage:
    • ./inetd for starting the server
    • ./inetd_client <port> for running the client, with <port> being the necessary argument., 5010 for the square, 5020 for the cube service. Run make clean for removing all the compiled binaries.