
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

RNN Generalization Project (P1)

This repository contains code for the following paper:

Exploration-exploitation mechanisms in recurrent neural networks and human learners in restless bandit problems

  • R is used in scripts (.R files), cognitive models (.stan files) and to save/load data (.RData files)
  • Python is used in all .py files (main.py, classes) to train/test RNNs and in notebooks (Jupyter Notebooks) for analysis and plotting

Install Requirements


Install Anaconda, then open Anaconda Prompt and navigate to this repository.

Then recreate the environment of this project by typing the following in Anaconda Prompt:

conda env create -f environment.yml

You should now have a virtual environment called RNNExplore with all the necessary dependancies regarding Python.


Install R (This work is based on version 4.1.1) and R Studio (This work is based on version 2021.09.1)

Then double click on p1_generalization.Rproj, this will open R Studio, then in the console type the following to install all R dependancies:


Alternatively, you can load the necessary packages from an .RData file and install them manually.


Directory Structure

│   README.md
│   main.py
│   helpers.py
|   .Rprofile
|   .gitignore
|   environment.yaml
|   helpers.py
|   p1_generalization.RData
|   r_packages.RData
|   renv.lock  
│   │
│   └───bandits
│   │   
│   └───neural_networks
|       |
|       └───rnns
│   │   
│   └───intermediate_data
│   │   │   
│   │   └───fixed_bandits
│   │   │ 
│   │   └───modeling
│   │   │   │ 
│   │   │   └───modeling_fits
│   │   │   │    
│   │   │   └───preprocessed_data_for_modeling
│   │   │
│   │   └───jasp_analysis
│   │      
│   └───rnn_raw_data
│   │      
│   └───human_raw_data


The repository contains:

  • main.py: This is the main script, which can be used for training, testing and simulating the RNNs.
  • helpers.py: contains classes/functions to handle .zip, .feather files and other helper functions
  • classes: contains classes for creating bandit tasks and RNNs
  • cognitive_models: contains bayesian cognitive models written in STAN
  • data: contains RNN and human behavioural data, pregenerated bandits to test the RNNs, data to conduct bayesian analysis with JASP, preprocessed data for cognitive modeling and posterior model fits.
  • saved_models: contains trained RNN weights and biases
  • scripts: contains scripts used in this project (see scripts_explanations.md)
  • notebooks: contains jupyter notebooks used in this project (see notebooks_explanations.md)
  • tensorboard: contains saved files to plot RNN training logs in tensorboard
  • doc: contains documentation and how-to guides for this project