
A series of d3 v4 tutorials

Primary LanguageHTML

Tell Me More UI Technical Documentation

This document discusses each key part of the Tell Me More UI. It will describe flow and key features.

  • index.html
  • ...

Data Model: Topics

We bring topic data over from the Python pre-processor vis a json file.

The file begins with a summary section, then has a list of children (one child per topic). Each topic has 0 or more children representing phrases that provide context for the topic.

{"name": "Matthew",                  // Name of the corpus, shown in the center of the sunburst
 "data_date": "2017-05-19",          // Date of the data, shown in the center of the sunburst (YYYY-MM-DD)
 "run_date": "2017-05-20 13:33",     // Date we pulled the data, shown in the center of the sunburst (YYYY-MM-DD)
 "children": [{                      // Children: The topics shown on the inner ring of our sunburst
     "name": "man",                  // Name: The Topic (visible on the UI slice).
     "count": 108,                   // Count: The number of times this topic appears in the corpus.
     "rank": 1,                      // Rank: a rank order based on the number of texts it appears in
     "size": 7,                      //
     "textCount": 25,                // how many texts does this topic appear in (e.g., textIDs.length)
     "verbatims": ["man", "men"],    // alternate ways this topics is mentioned in our texts, used by to highlight
     "textIDs": ["936", "944"],       // the textIDs where this topic appears (used to determine which texts to show
     "children": [                   // ***  sub-topics: the outer ring of our sunburst  ***
                                     // each child has a subset of the attributes that we have for each topic
         {"name": "aman", "count": 13, "verbatims": ["a man"],
           "textIDs": ["945", "946", "937", "947", "941", "950", "953", "944", "940", "949"], "textCount": 10,
           "rank": 1, "size": 10},
         {"name": "thisman", "count": 8, "verbatims": ["this man"],
           "textIDs": ["937", "955", "941", "954", "940"],
           "textCount": 5, "rank": 1, "size": 5},
         {"name": "theman", "count": 6, "verbatims": ["the man", "the men"],
           "textIDs": ["954", "940", "936"],
           "textCount": 3, "rank": 1, "size": 3}]

Three ways to choose a document object: d3.select (or selectAll), document.getElementByID, or document.query... (or ...All). Explain this.