
denkstrap core

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm (scoped) Build Status Coverage Status

WARNING: Version 3 is NOT compatible with denkstrap and denkstrap modules from previous versions.


npm install --save @denkstrap/core


// ESM Module Syntax
// ES5 transpiled

import { Denkstrap } from '@denkstrap/core';

const denkstrap = new Denkstrap({...});


// UMD Module Syntax
// ES5 transpiled

// AMD
define(['@denkstrap/core/umd/index'], (ds) => {
    const denkstrap = new ds.Denkstrap({...});

// CommonJS
const Denkstrap = require('@denkstrap/core/umd/index').Denkstrap;
const denkstrap = new Denkstrap({...});


// ESM Module Syntax
// transpile yourself

import { Denkstrap } from '@denkstrap/core/esnext';

const denkstrap = new Denkstrap({...});

Contributing to @denkstrap/core


There are a few prerequisites for this repository:

  • nvm on Mac and Linux, nvmw or nvm-windows on Windows
  • As an alternative you have node.js version 8 as your systems default node.js version


When first cloning this repository you have to do an initialization. Due to the fact we are using node.js for our build tasks you have to install all the dependencies.

But first things first. We use node.js version 8 which is the Long-Term-Support version. As you have read in the requirements section you have to have either node.js 8 installed or nvm installed. If you do not sure which version of node.js is installed check it by typing node --version in your console. If you should see something like 8.9.4 you are good to go to the installation section. If not, go on reading the Initializing Node.js section.

Initializing Node.js

Be sure to have nvm installed! Switch to bash by entering bash in the console. Then type nvm --version in your console to check.

If it is not installed use these instructions. When you are using Windows try nvmw or nvm-windows.

Are you sure nvm is installed? Fine! Type nvm install 8 to your terminal.


The description above does yet not work 100% on Windows machines. When you just type nvm install there will not be happening as much as on POSIX systems. You have to type nvm install 8 or nvm use 8 if you have node.js version 8 already installed. That will work fine. When #63 gets merged the description above will work on Windows machines.


There are some prerequisites for this project template to be installed. Type npm install to install all dependencies.


When someone changed in the project the required Node modules, run the command npm update.


When you have all requirements installed, run the following commands to build the sources:

npm build for a production build for all target enviroments (ESM, UMD and ESNext)

Or run npm run build:<esm|esnext|umd> to build a specific enviroment.

Additionally you can run npm run eslint and npm test to ensure the tests are green and all sources follow the coding guidelines. Have a look at our test-stack documentation for advanced javascript testing.

For building an artifact which you can install locally for testing purposes run npm run build && npm pack. This will create an tarball file named denkstrap-core-<version>.tgz inside the root directory.


There are a few more Documentations:

  • TODO: write documentations

Happy Coding!