
Web Crawler with Captcha resolver (using CNN neural network on pyTorch)

Primary LanguagePython

WebCrawler with Captcha resolver (using CNN neural network on pyTorch)

Bot for parse domain with Captcha protection


Tested on Python 3.6.

For configuration, set the following varibales to config.py file:

mode = "PROD"    # "DEBUG" / "PROD"

#info about captcha
- number_chars_per_image = 5
- path_test_data = "data/test"
- target_width, target_height = (115, 45)
- font_path = "data/train_generator/fonts/DINNextRoundedLTPro-Regular.otf"
- model_path = 'models/model.pkl'
- possible_characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' + '0123456789'
- char2ind = dict((ch, i) for i, ch in enumerate(possible_characters))
- ind2char = dict((i, ch) for i, ch in enumerate(possible_characters))
- num_classes = len(possible_characters)

- batch_size = 32

- num_steps = 500 # num_steps will be splitted into number of learning rates end for
                    each part will be applied corresponded learning rate

- learning_rates = [0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001]

- card_number = "" # number of card to fill requered field on https://restaurantpass.gift-cards.ru/balance

- link = "https://restaurantpass.gift-cards.ru/balance" # link of parsed domain

- browser = "Chrome"  PhantomJS or Chrome or FireFox

- telegram_token = ""  Telegram bot token
                       create your bot, by sending message to @botfather
                       in return you will receive the token

- chat_id = "" Chat id of Telegram channel
               how to get the chat id:

Run with:

python run.py

You can also build and use the docker image:

docker build -t <docker-image-url:docker-image-tag> .
docker push <docker-image-url:docker-image-tag>
docker run -d --name web-crawler --restart=always <docker-image-url:docker-image-tag>


  • numpy==1.13.3
  • pandas==0.20.1
  • PyVirtualDisplay==0.2.1
  • matplotlib==2.1.1
  • opencv_python==
  • scipy==0.19.1
  • selenium==3.11.0
  • python_telegram_bot==8.0
  • schedule==0.5.0
  • user_agent==0.1.9
  • Pillow==5.1.0
  • beautifulsoup4==4.6.0
  • seaborn==0.8.1
  • telegram==0.0.1
  • pytorch

install chromium-browser: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser

Install the dependencies via pip:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt.

Install PyTorch:
pip3 install http://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu/torch-0.3.1-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl
pip3 install torchvisio

Run tests:
python -m unittest discover tests/


Licensed under the Unlicense. Do with it whatever you want.

sudo docker build -t web-crawler . && sudo docker tag web-crawler:latest denkuzin/web-crawler && sudo docker push denkuzin/web-crawler