
Stanford iOS 강의 정리 Repo

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Stanford iOS 강의 정리 Repo

  • Stanford Engineering CS193p: Developing iOS 11 Apps with Swift 4

  • 강의

    • 키노트 (수업때 교수님이 사용하는 키노트)
    • 영상
  • 프로젝트 파일 (각 강의마다 완성한 프로젝트 파일)

  • Reading Assignments (교수님이 읽어오세요. 하는 과제)

  • Problem Sets (과제)

  • 강의 설명

This course is described as being updated for iOS 11 and Swift 4, Tools, and APIs required to build applications for the iPhone and iPad platforms using the iOS SDK. The course covers user interface design for mobile devices and unique user interactions using multi-touch technologies. Object-oriented design using model-view-controller paradigm, memory management, the Swift programming language.

Other topics include :

  • animation

  • mobile device power management

  • multi-threading

  • networking and performance considerations.

  • Prerequisites


강의 Slides Korean Video Youtube Video Date
1. Overview of iOS September 25, 2017
2. Model View Controller (MVC) September 27, 2017
FL1 Debugging: Xcode Tips & Tricks September 29, 2017
3. Swift October 2, 2017
4. Protocols & Closures October 4, 2017
5. Drawing in iOS October 9, 2017
6. Multitouch & Multiple MVCs October 11, 2017
7. Multiple MVCs, Timer, Animation October 16, 2017
8. Animation October 18, 2017
FL2 Github, Source Code Workflow October 20, 2017
9. View Controller Lifecycle, Scroll View October 23, 2017
10. Multithreading & AutoLayout October 25, 2017
FL3 Instruments October 27, 2017
11. Drag and Drop, UITableView, & UICollectionView October 30, 2017
12. Emoji Art Demo, UITextField November 1, 2017
13. Emoji Art Demo, Persistence November 6, 2017
14. More about Documents, Demo November 8, 2017
15. Alert and Action Sheet, Notifications & KVO, Application Lifecycle November 13, 2017
16. Segues - Modal, Popover, Unwind, Embed November 15, 2017
17. Core Motion & Camera November 29, 2017

프로젝트 파일

Listen Project Name
L1. Concentration_L1
L2. Concentration_L2
L3. Concentration_L3
L4. Concentration_L4
L5. PlayingCard_L5
L6. PlayingCard_L6
L7. Concentration_L7
L8. PlayingCard_L8
L9. Concentration_L9
L9. Cassini_L9
L10. Concentration_L10
L10. Cassini_L9
L11. EmojiArt_L11
L12. EmojiArt_L12
L13. EmojiArt_L13
L14. EmojiArt_L14
L14+. EmojiArt_L14+
L15. EmojiArt_L15
L16. EmojiArt_L16
L17. EmojiArt_L17

Reading Assignments

Reading Name
1. Reading 1: Intro to Swift
2. Reading 2: More Swift
3. Reading 3: Finishing off Swift

Problem Sets

PS Name
1. Assignment 1: Concentration
2. Assignment 2: Set
3. Assignment 3: Graphical Set
4. Assignment 4: Animated Set
5. Assignment 5: Image Gallery
6. Assignment 6: Persistent Image Gallary
