
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cerrado biome - Collection 6.0

Developed by Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da AmazĂ´nia - IPAM


This folder contains the scripts to classify and filter the Cerrado Biome.

For detailed information about the classification and methodology, please read the Cerrado biome Appendix of the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD).

How to use

  1. Create an account in Google Earth Engine plataform.

  2. Install Python version 3.x.

  3. Install Earth Engine Python API and get the credentials.

  4. Install R base version 4.x and Install R Studio Desktop.

  5. Download or clone this repository to your local workspace.


Folders are organized by key-steps and contains a set of codes following the Cerrado biome classification schema:

  1. Feature space selection

  2. General map classification

  3. Wetlands classification

  4. Integration of maps


For clarification or issue/bug report, please write to dhemerson.costa@ipam.org.br and/or felipe.lenti@ipam.org.br