This article demonstrates how to convert XAF Security system's role to code that you can use to recreate this role in another application.
Sometimes you need to create a role with complex rules. Usually it is done in the UI in a test environment. After you configure such a role you need to move it to the production application/database.
To accomplish this task, create an ModuleUpdater with code that generates the required security role. To create this updater, use the approach described below.
1. Add the RoleGenerator.csproj/RoleGenerator.vbproj project to your solution.
2. Add a reference to the RoleGenerator project to your Module project.
3. Add the RoleGeneratorController.cs/RoleGeneratorController.vb class to your Module project.
4. Add the RoleGeneratorControllerWin.cs/RoleGeneratorControllerWin.vb controller to your Module.Win project and the RoleGeneratorControllerWeb.cs/RoleGeneratorControllerWeb.vb controller to your Module.Web project.
5. Add the following key to the App.config file in your Win project and to the Web.config file in your Web project
<add key="EnableRoleGeneratorAction" value="True" />
6. Run your Win or Web project, select roles in RoleListView, and click the Generate Role action. In Win projects, this action is in the 'Tools' category.
You will get a ready-to-use Updater file with the code that creates roles.
To use this file in your XAF app, follow these steps:
1. Include it in your Module project.
2. Modify your Module.cs/Module.vb file to use this new Updater:
using System;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Updating;
namespace YourSolutionName.Module {
public sealed partial class YourSolutionNameModule : ModuleBase {
public override IEnumerable<ModuleUpdater> GetModuleUpdaters(IObjectSpace objectSpace, Version versionFromDB) {
ModuleUpdater updater = new DatabaseUpdate.Updater(objectSpace, versionFromDB);
ModuleUpdater roleUpdater = new RoleUpdater(objectSpace, versionFromDB);
return new ModuleUpdater[] { updater, roleUpdater };
Imports System
Imports DevExpress.ExpressApp
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports DevExpress.ExpressApp.Updating
Namespace YourSolutionName.Module {
Public NotInheritable Partial Class YourSolutionNameModule
Inherits ModuleBase
Public Overrides Function GetModuleUpdaters(ByVal objectSpace As IObjectSpace, ByVal versionFromDB As Version) As IEnumerable(Of ModuleUpdater)
Dim updater As ModuleUpdater = New DatabaseUpdate.Updater(objectSpace, versionFromDB)
Dim roleUpdater As ModuleUpdater = New DatabaseUpdate.RoleUpdater(objectSpace, versionFromDB)
Return New ModuleUpdater() {updater, roleUpdater}
End Function
If you have a custom role, customize RoleGenerator to get the necessary code lines.
To do it, modify the GetCodeLinesFromRole
method and add necessary code lines in codeLines
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security;
using DevExpress.Persistent.Base;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace RoleGeneratorSpace {
public class RoleGenerator {
private List<string> GetCodeLinesFromRole(IPermissionPolicyRole role) {
List<string> codeLines = new List<string>();
if(role != null) {
codeLines.Add($"{variableName}.Name = \"{role.Name}\";");
codeLines.Add($"{variableName}.PermissionPolicy = SecurityPermissionPolicy.{role.PermissionPolicy.ToString()};");
if(role.IsAdministrative) {
codeLines.Add($"{variableName}.IsAdministrative = true;");
if(role.CanEditModel) {
codeLines.Add($"{variableName}.CanEditModel = true;");
//place your custom code here
//codeLines.Add("your custom code line");
foreach(IPermissionPolicyTypePermissionObject typePermissionObject in role.TypePermissions) {
if(role is INavigationPermissions navigationPermissionsRole) {
foreach(IPermissionPolicyNavigationPermissionObject navigationPermissionObject in navigationPermissionsRole.NavigationPermissions) {
string codeLine = GetCodeLine(navigationPermissionObject);
if(codeLine != string.Empty) {
return codeLines;
Imports DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security
Imports DevExpress.Persistent.Base
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Namespace RoleGeneratorSpace
Public Class RoleGenerator {
Private Function GetCodeLinesFromRole(ByVal role As IPermissionPolicyRole) As List(Of String)
Dim codeLines As New List(Of String)()
If role IsNot Nothing Then
codeLines.Add($"{variableName}.Name = ""{role.Name}""")
codeLines.Add($"{variableName}.PermissionPolicy = SecurityPermissionPolicy.{role.PermissionPolicy.ToString()}")
If role.IsAdministrative Then
codeLines.Add($"{variableName}.IsAdministrative = true")
End If
If role.CanEditModel Then
codeLines.Add($"{variableName}.CanEditModel = true")
End If
'place your custom code here
'codeLines.Add("your custom code line")
For Each typePermissionObject As IPermissionPolicyTypePermissionObject In role.TypePermissions
Next typePermissionObject
If TypeOf role Is INavigationPermissions Then
Dim navigationPermissionsRole As INavigationPermissions = CType(role, INavigationPermissions)
For Each navigationPermissionObject As IPermissionPolicyNavigationPermissionObject In navigationPermissionsRole.NavigationPermissions
Dim codeLine As String = GetCodeLine(navigationPermissionObject)
If codeLine <> String.Empty Then
End If
Next navigationPermissionObject
End If
End If
Return codeLines
End Function