How to get code to generate XAF Security system's role

This article demonstrates how to convert XAF Security system's role to code that you can use to recreate this role in another application.

The problem

Sometimes you need to create a role with complex rules. Usually it is done in the UI in a test environment. After you configure such a role you need to move it to the production application/database.

The solution

To accomplish this task, create an ModuleUpdater with code that generates the required security role. To create this updater, use the approach described below.

How does it work?

1. Add the RoleGenerator.csproj/RoleGenerator.vbproj project to your solution.

2. Add a reference to the RoleGenerator project to your Module project.

3. Add the RoleGeneratorController.cs/RoleGeneratorController.vb class to your Module project.

4. Add the RoleGeneratorControllerWin.cs/RoleGeneratorControllerWin.vb controller to your Module.Win project and the RoleGeneratorControllerWeb.cs/RoleGeneratorControllerWeb.vb controller to your Module.Web project.

5. Add the following key to the App.config file in your Win project and to the Web.config file in your Web project

  <add key="EnableRoleGeneratorAction" value="True" />

6. Run your Win or Web project, select roles in RoleListView, and click the Generate Role action. In Win projects, this action is in the 'Tools' category.


ASP.NET: 7. Save the file.

You will get a ready-to-use Updater file with the code that creates roles.

To use this file in your XAF app, follow these steps:

1. Include it in your Module project.

2. Modify your Module.cs/Module.vb file to use this new Updater:


using System;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Updating;

namespace YourSolutionName.Module {
  public sealed partial class YourSolutionNameModule : ModuleBase {
    public override IEnumerable<ModuleUpdater> GetModuleUpdaters(IObjectSpace objectSpace, Version versionFromDB) {
      ModuleUpdater updater = new DatabaseUpdate.Updater(objectSpace, versionFromDB);
        ModuleUpdater roleUpdater = new RoleUpdater(objectSpace, versionFromDB);
    	return new ModuleUpdater[] { updater, roleUpdater };


Imports System
Imports DevExpress.ExpressApp
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports DevExpress.ExpressApp.Updating

Namespace YourSolutionName.Module {
  Public NotInheritable Partial Class YourSolutionNameModule
   Inherits ModuleBase
    Public Overrides Function GetModuleUpdaters(ByVal objectSpace As IObjectSpace, ByVal versionFromDB As Version) As IEnumerable(Of ModuleUpdater)
        Dim updater As ModuleUpdater = New DatabaseUpdate.Updater(objectSpace, versionFromDB)
        Dim roleUpdater As ModuleUpdater = New DatabaseUpdate.RoleUpdater(objectSpace, versionFromDB)
        Return New ModuleUpdater() {updater, roleUpdater}
    End Function


If you have a custom role, customize RoleGenerator to get the necessary code lines. To do it, modify the GetCodeLinesFromRole method and add necessary code lines in codeLines List.


using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security;
using DevExpress.Persistent.Base;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace RoleGeneratorSpace {
  public class RoleGenerator {
    private List<string> GetCodeLinesFromRole(IPermissionPolicyRole role) {
      List<string> codeLines = new List<string>();
      if(role != null) {
        codeLines.Add($"{variableName}.Name = \"{role.Name}\";");
        codeLines.Add($"{variableName}.PermissionPolicy = SecurityPermissionPolicy.{role.PermissionPolicy.ToString()};");
        if(role.IsAdministrative) {
          codeLines.Add($"{variableName}.IsAdministrative = true;");
        if(role.CanEditModel) {
          codeLines.Add($"{variableName}.CanEditModel = true;");
        //place your custom code here
        //codeLines.Add("your custom code line");
        foreach(IPermissionPolicyTypePermissionObject typePermissionObject in role.TypePermissions) {
        if(role is INavigationPermissions navigationPermissionsRole) {
          foreach(IPermissionPolicyNavigationPermissionObject navigationPermissionObject in navigationPermissionsRole.NavigationPermissions) {
            string codeLine = GetCodeLine(navigationPermissionObject);
            if(codeLine != string.Empty) {
      return codeLines;


Imports DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security
Imports DevExpress.Persistent.Base
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Namespace RoleGeneratorSpace
  Public Class RoleGenerator {
    Private Function GetCodeLinesFromRole(ByVal role As IPermissionPolicyRole) As List(Of String)
       Dim codeLines As New List(Of String)()
       If role IsNot Nothing Then
           codeLines.Add($"{variableName}.Name = ""{role.Name}""")
           codeLines.Add($"{variableName}.PermissionPolicy = SecurityPermissionPolicy.{role.PermissionPolicy.ToString()}")
           If role.IsAdministrative Then
               codeLines.Add($"{variableName}.IsAdministrative = true")
           End If
           If role.CanEditModel Then
               codeLines.Add($"{variableName}.CanEditModel = true")
           End If
           'place your custom code here
           'codeLines.Add("your custom code line")
           For Each typePermissionObject As IPermissionPolicyTypePermissionObject In role.TypePermissions
           Next typePermissionObject
           If TypeOf role Is INavigationPermissions Then
               Dim navigationPermissionsRole As INavigationPermissions = CType(role, INavigationPermissions)
               For Each navigationPermissionObject As IPermissionPolicyNavigationPermissionObject In navigationPermissionsRole.NavigationPermissions
                   Dim codeLine As String = GetCodeLine(navigationPermissionObject)
                   If codeLine <> String.Empty Then
                   End If
               Next navigationPermissionObject
           End If
       End If
       Return codeLines
   End Function