
Cross platform, light-weight, multi-threading TCP library written in c/c++

Primary LanguageC

knet 1.5.x

knet is cross-platform multi-threading light-weight TCP transport library, for now, knet support IOCP, select, epoll model on Windows and CentOS. it will testing(port) under more Linux and Unix OS version, more model will be implemented like: kqueue(kevent) etc.
knet is not a event loop like libevent, knet focus on transport only.

knet 是跨平台,多线程,轻量级的TCP网络库,当前版本提供了Windows和Linux平台下的 IOCP, select, epoll 三种实现. 未来 knet将会在更多Linux和Unix操作系统下测试(移植),同时,更多的实现也会逐渐加入进来,譬如:kqueue(kevent)等. knet 并不是像libevent一样的事件库, knet 只专注于传输.


kloop_t is the wrapper of different implemented model, it's easy to use kloop_t to build a loop.

kloop_t 是对不同平台实现的包装器,使用kloop_t可以非常容易的建立一个网络循环.

#include "knet.h"
kloop_t* loop = knet_loop_create();

For now, a loop is ready for run, we create a channel_ref_t as acceptor.


kchannel_ref_t* channel = knet_loop_create_channel(loop, 0, 1024);
kchannel_ref_accept(channel, "", 80);

We built a acceptor channel with infinite send chain size and maximal read buffer size 1024, after that run endless loop.

我们建立的监听器管道不限制发送队列的长度,读缓冲区的最大长度为1024, 建立完成后我们启动网络循环.


The program just holds your screen, we should add some code for new client coming.


void acceptor_cb(kchannel_ref_t* channel, knet_channel_cb_event_e e) {
    if (e & channel_cb_event_accept) {
        /* TODO do job here */

The whole story:


#include "knet.h"

void acceptor_cb(kchannel_ref_t* channel, knet_channel_cb_event_e e) {
    if (e & channel_cb_event_accept) { /* the new client coming */
        /* TODO do job here */

int main() {
	kloop_t* loop = knet_loop_create();
	kchannel_ref_t* channel = knet_loop_create_channel(loop, 0, 1024);
	knet_channel_ref_accept(channel, "", 80);
	knet_channel_ref_set_cb(channel, acceptor_cb);
	return 0;

For more detail, see examples/basic.c


#if defined(WIN32)
	#define LOOP_IOCP 1    /* IOCP */
	#define LOOP_SELECT 0  /* select */
	#define LOOP_EPOLL 1   /* epoll */
	#define LOOP_SELECT 0  /* select */
#endif /* defined(WIN32) */

In header file knet/config.h, change the macro value to tell compiler choose specific implement, IOCP on Windows, epoll on Linux by default, more implement will be appended in the future release.

头文件knet/config.h内有一些有用的宏做条件编译,Windows的默认实现是IOCP, Linux的默认实现是epoll, 未来版本中会增加更多平台的实现.

#define LOGGER_ON 0 /* the switch of internal logger */
#define LOGGER_MODE (logger_mode_file | logger_mode_console | logger_mode_flush | logger_mode_override) /* the mode of logger */
#define LOGGER_LEVEL logger_level_verbose /* the level of logger */

In header file knet/logger.h, LOGGER_ON is the switch of knet internal logger, the macro LOGGER_MODE and LOGGER_LEVEL can change the mode and the level of logger. Internal logger may help developer find the problom ASAP, LOGGER_ON should be set to 0 in release version.

头文件knet/logger.h内,LOGGER_ON宏可以开启或关闭 knet 的内部日志,宏LOGGER_MODELOGGER_LEVEL分别表示日志模式和日志等级. 内部日志可以帮助使用者尽快的发现问题. LOGGER_ON宏在发行版本中应该被设置为零.


kloop_t runs at the thread which calling knet_loop_run or knet_loop_run_once, each loop_t knows nothing about others. kloop_balancer_t coordinates all attached kloop_t(knet_loop_balance_attach) and try to balance load for them.

kloop_t运行在调用knet_loop_run或者knet_loop_run_once函数的线程内,每个loop_t都不知道其他loop_t的存在. kloop_balancer_t协调所有与自己关联的kloop_t(knet_loop_balance_attach), 并对关联的网络循环做负载均衡.

kloop_balancer_t conceal the details and sophisticated for developer, the process of balancing is thread-safety and highly efficent. knet offers a simple thread API to run internally knet_loop_run_once, the interact among loops are also transparent for developers.

kloop_balancer_t为开发者隐藏了所有负载均衡细节, 负载均衡的过程是线程安全的, 同时也是非常高效的. knet提供了一个简单的线程API并在内部运行knet_loop_run_once, 网络循环之间的交互对于使用者也是透明的.

For more detail, see examples/multi_loop.c


see doc/knet.pptx for big picture of knet
see doc/html/index.html for dev doc.


  1. Windows
    see knet/win-proj/knet.sln
  2. Linux
    ./build.sh [IPV6]

The build result in folder knet/bin and knet/lib.


see knet/bin.

  1. Windows
  2. Linux
  3. The command line of client
    1. -ip
      server listening IP
    2. -port
      server listening port
    3. -n
      connector count
  4. the command line of server
    1. -ip
      server listening IP
    2. -port
      server listening port
    3. -w
      worker count