
Caching backend for information needed for RIF Marketplace

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

RIF Marketplace Cache

CircleCI Dependency Status standard-readme compliant js-standard-style Managed by tAsEgir

API server that caches different metrics from blockchain across RIF services

Warning: This project is in alpha state. There might (and most probably will) be changes in the future to its API and working. Also, no guarantees can be made about its stability, efficiency, and security at this stage.

Table of Contents


This is a backend service that caches different metrics from blockchain for the RIF services. It is build using FeathersJS and hence inherits lot of its features and properties.

It supports both REST access and SocketIO WS connectivity. It is recommended to use Feathers Client for consuming services of this project.

For querying the endpoints remember that you have available Querying schema by FeathersJS.

Supported services


For RIF Storage there is cached information about Pinning Contract and current Storage Offers.

GET: /storage/v0/offers

Returns JSON that represents currently active and available Offers that customers can use to contract their pinning requests.

It has following schema:

    "address": "string", // Hash, serves as ID
    "peerId": "string?", // Optional PeerId of the Provider's node
    "totalCapacity": "number",
    "utilizedCapacity": "number",
    "availableCapacity": "number",
    "createdAt": "Date",
    "updatedAt": "Date",
    "plans": [
        "id": "number",
        "period": "number",
        "amount": "number",
        "offerId": "string",
        "createdAt": "Date",
        "updatedAt": "Date"
GET: /storage/v0/agreements

Returns JSON that represent currently active Agreements.

It has following schema:

     "numberOfPrepaidPeriods": "number",
     "periodsSinceLastPayout": "number",
     "toBePayedOut": "number",
     "hasSufficientFunds": "boolean",
     "agreementReference": "string",
     "dataReference": "string",
     "consumer": "string",
     "size": "number",
     "isActive": "boolean", // False when agreement is stopped
     "billingPeriod": "number",
     "billingPrice": "number",
     "availableFunds": "number",
     "lastPayout": "Date",
     "offerId": "string"


API that caches conversion rates currently for RBTC and RIF Token.

GET: /rates/v0/

Returns (example)

    "token": "rif",
    "usd": 0.053091,
    "eur": 0.04936646,
    "btc": 0.00000703,
    "ars": 3.52,
    "cny": 0.375896,
    "krw": 65.56,
    "jpy": 5.72,
    "createdAt": "2020-04-24T07:50:06.340Z",
    "updatedAt": "2020-04-24T09:13:31.370Z"
    "token": "rbtc",
    "usd": 7436.63,
    "eur": 6914.89,
    "btc": 0.98511161,
    "ars": 492732,
    "cny": 52653,
    "krw": 9183042,
    "jpy": 800942,
    "createdAt": "2020-04-24T07:50:06.367Z",
    "updatedAt": "2020-04-24T09:13:31.390Z"


API that caches several parts of the RNS and Domain Sail contracts. Supported routes are:

  • /rns/v0/offers - List active Domain Offers
  • /rns/v0/:ownerAddress/sold - List sold domains for specific :ownerAddress
  • /rns/v0/:ownerAddress/domains - List domains that are owned by the :ownerAddress


API for getting information about confirmation status of transactions related to Marketplace.

Confirmed events (eq. confirmations >= targetConfirmaiton) are retained for a configured amount of blocks, in order for the consumer of this API has enough time to detect that confirmation happened. See waitBlockCountBeforeConfirmationRemoved in Config interface

GET: /confirmations

Returns (example)

    "event": "ExpirationChanged",
    "transactionHash": "0x78a9f1912e8bf590e30a43f919f405924c168f55dad6efd298e8bc4ccfd4438d",
    "confirmations": 1,
    "targetConfirmation": 2

There are also two events emitted for WebSocket connections.

newConfirmation event

Emitted when new confirmation was available. It is emitted with an object that has same structured as presented above for the GET /confirmations route. confirmations can be higher then targetConfirmation. Once event reaches confirmations >= targetConfirmations once, then it is emitted one last time and from then point on ignored.

  "event": "ExpirationChanged",
  "transactionHash": "0x78a9f1912e8bf590e30a43f919f405924c168f55dad6efd298e8bc4ccfd4438d",
  "confirmations": 1,
  "targetConfirmation": 2


Emitted when a block with the transaction was dropped from blockchain and hence won't become ever confirmed. It is emitted with the object containing property transactionHash that contains the hash of the transaction dropped out.

  "transactionHash": "0x78a9f1912e8bf590e30a43f919f405924c168f55dad6efd298e8bc4ccfd4438d"


Required reading: node-config docs

There are several ways how to configure this application:

  1. Using JSON file
  2. Using Environmental variables
  3. Using CLI parameters

To run this caching server there is minimum configuration needed, which is supported with all the configuration ways mentioned above:

  • Database connection
  • Blockchain connection

For general overview of complete configuration options see Config interface that describe configuration object's properties. If you need advanced configuration you can build your own JSON configuration file and load that either using the --config CLI parameter or using environment variable RIFM_CONFIG.

Environment variables overview

  • RIFM_PORT (number): port on which the server should listen to
  • RIFM_DB (string): database connection URI
  • RIFM_PROVIDER (string): blockchain connection URI
  • CORS settings (see more on expressjs documentation):
    • RIFM_CORS_ORIGIN (boolean | string | regexp): Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Origin CORS header
    • RIFM_CORS_METHODS (string) Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods CORS header
  • Storage related:
    • RIFM_STORAGE_CONTRACT_ADDR (string): address of deployed storage contract
    • RIFM_STORAGE_STARTING_BLOCK (number | string): block from which the caching service should process events
  • RNS related:
    • Owner contract:
      • RIFM_RNS_OWNER_CONTRACT_ADDR (string): address of deployed storage contract
      • RIFM_RNS_OWNER_STARTING_BLOCK (number | string): block from which the caching service should process events
    • Reverse contract:
      • RIFM_RNS_REVERSE_CONTRACT_ADDR (string): address of deployed storage contract
      • RIFM_RNS_REVERSE_STARTING_BLOCK (number | string): block from which the caching service should process events
    • Placement contract:
      • RIFM_RNS_REVERSE_CONTRACT_ADDR (string): address of deployed storage contract
      • RIFM_RNS_REVERSE_STARTING_BLOCK (number | string): block from which the caching service should process events
  • Logging related (see bellow):
    • LOG_LEVEL (string)
    • LOG_FILTER (string)
    • LOG_PATH (string)


As the database layer is written using Sequelize it is pretty much database agnostic. You can choose your own particular database engine from the supported Sequelize engines yet be aware that currently tested engines are PostgreSQL and SQLite (not recommended for production deployments).

You can configure the database connection using either CLI flag --db or environment variable RIFM_DB.

For specification of the database connection use URI connection string in format: <dialect>://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database_name>


Connection to RSK blockchain is needed, therefore you have to configure provider so the caching server can listen for the events. You can configure this connection either using CLI flag --provideror environment variable RIFM_PROVIDER.

Preferable it should be web-socket enabled connection.


There is support for extensive logging inside of the application. By default the logs are outputted to stdout.

You can configure logging using configs placed in config/, using CLI parameters or environment variables. Configuration is placed in property log which supports following properties:

  • log.level (string; ENV: LOG_LEVEL) - sets minimal logging level that will be output to logs. Default: 'info'
  • log.filter (string; ENV: LOG_FILTER) - sets filtering based on components. See bellow for syntax. Default: '*'
  • log.path (string; ENV: LOG_PATH) - sets path to log file where logs will be written to. Default: undefined

Filter syntax

Best to explain with examples:

  • watcher: log only watcher service entries
  • -db: log everything except db's service entries
  • watch*: log entries of services that starts with watch
  • -watch*: log entries of every service except those which starts with watch
  • watcher, db: log entries of only services watcher and db.
  • watcher*, -watcher:fs: log every entry of watcher only except of those starting with watcher:fs.


$ npm install -g @rsksmart/rif-marketplace-cache

// Connection to your database
$ export RIFM_DB=postgres://user:pass@localhost/db

// Sync the schema of database
$ rif-marketplace-cache db-sync

// Connection to your blockchain provider
$ export RIFM_PROVIDER=ws://localhost:8545

// Prefetch all the data from the network
$ rif-marketplace-cache precache all

// Start the server
$ rif-marketplace-cache start --port 8000

// Start the server listening for testnet configuration
$ NODE_ENV=rsktestnet rif-marketplace-cache start --port 8000

For some more details on how to deploy this server please see Deployment guide.


rif-marketplace-cache db-sync

synchronize database schema

  $ rif-marketplace-cache db-sync

  --config=config              path to JSON config file to load
  --db=db                      database connection URI
  --force                      removes all tables and recreates them
  --log=error|warn|info|debug  [default: error] what level of information to log
  --log-filter=log-filter      what components should be logged (+-, chars allowed)
  --log-path=log-path          log to file, default is STDOUT

rif-marketplace-cache precache [SERVICE]

precache past data for a service

  $ rif-marketplace-cache precache [SERVICE]

  --config=config              path to JSON config file to load
  --log=error|warn|info|debug  [default: error] what level of information to log
  --log-filter=log-filter      what components should be logged (+-, chars allowed)
  --log-path=log-path          log to file, default is STDOUT

  Command will fetch data from blockchain and process them prior turning on the API server.
  Currently supported services:
    - all
    - storage
    - rns
    - rates

  $ rif-marketplace-cache precache all
  $ rif-marketplace-cache precache storage rns

rif-marketplace-cache purge [SERVICE]

purge cached data

  $ rif-marketplace-cache purge [SERVICE]

  --config=config              path to JSON config file to load
  --log=error|warn|info|debug  [default: error] what level of information to log
  --log-filter=log-filter      what components should be logged (+-, chars allowed)
  --log-path=log-path          log to file, default is STDOUT

  Can purge all data or for specific service.
  Currently supported services:
    - all
    - storage
    - rns
    - rates

  $ rif-marketplace-cache purge all
  $ rif-marketplace-cache purge storage rns

rif-marketplace-cache start

start the caching server

  $ rif-marketplace-cache start

  -d, --disable=disable        disable specific service
  -e, --enable=enable          enable specific service
  -p, --port=port              port to attach the server to
  --config=config              path to JSON config file to load
  --db=db                      database connection URI
  --log=error|warn|info|debug  [default: error] what level of information to log
  --log-filter=log-filter      what components should be logged (+-, chars allowed)
  --log-path=log-path          log to file, default is STDOUT
  --provider=provider          blockchain provider connection URI

  Currently supported services:
    - storage
    - rns
    - rates

  $ rif-marketplace-cache start --disable service1 --disable service2 --enable service3

Internal architecture

The server mainly consists of three parts:

  1. HTTP read-only API - it exposes the cached data to external world using FeathersJS and Feathers Sequalize
  2. Database layer - for storing the cached data using Sequelize and Sequelize-TypeScript
  3. Blockchain listener - for listening on events on blockchain and caching them.

This caching server has support for caching multiple services. All service related function should be placed in service specific folder in /src, like for example /src/storage.

For implementing new service, it is recommended to have knowledge of the libraries used and study already implemented services. For listening on blockchain events use the listeners in /src/blockchain/events module.


There are some ways you can make this module better:

  • Consult our open issues and take on one of them
  • Help our tests reach 100% coverage!


Some tips for development:
