MyDrive-All in One

deploy alist to

  1. Fork mydrive-allinone to your own GitHub repository.
  2. Get a Fly API token with flyctl auth token.
  3. Go to your newly created repository on GitHub and select Settings.
  4. Go to Secrets and create a secret called FLY_API_TOKEN with the value of the token from step 2.
  5. Clone the repository to your local machine to edit fly.toml and change app = "mydrive-allinone" to your APP_NAME.
  6. Run flyctl launch to create an APP which called APP_NAME. Say N to create .dockerignore file.
  7. Run flyctl volumes create data --size 1 --app APP_NAME to create a 1GB persistent storage space.
  8. Commit your changes and push them up to GitHub.



From alist-render

Deploy Alist to Render

Deploy to Render


You may need to use another remote MySQL database as instance restarts will lose data. Recommended Free MySQL Databases:


The initial password is randomly generated, and you can get it by checking the logs.