Now, plotly_matlab
can use latest plotly.min.js
with plotly for python
, and convert to html with smaller file size
than before by nbconvert
- fix:
Escaped character '\s' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf'
. - fix: CJK garbled character on image.
- enhance: use
which keep latest version( 2022-03-11 is v2.9.0) with new features.
- fix:
- new
- enhance: shrink ipynb file size. Thanks to the motheds from
.- Generate offline Plotly figure with three layers for better compatibility as ipynb file inserted cell. Three layers:
"application/vnd.plotly.v1+json": {json_compatible_fig_dict}
. Need install [dennischancs/plotly_matlab]
- Generate offline Plotly figure with three layers for better compatibility as ipynb file inserted cell. Three layers:
- enhance: shrink ipynb file size. Thanks to the motheds from
- fix: when input
nargin < 4
, the output figure without an extension. - enhance: write static image from matlab_figure_handle
- fix: when input
- fix: figure title has more html tag
use the command below. And the incomplete tag<b>
also work well. see Issue #474 · plotly/plotly_matlab.sed -i 's#</b>##g' `find /plotly_matlab_toolbox_path/plotly/plotlyfig_aux -name "*.m"`
- new
- enhance: add a New Fuction to write plotly figure to single html file offline and return the html path , usage:
html = write_html(gcf, 'test.html')
. - Deprecated:
resp = fig2plotly(gcf,'filename',filename,'offline',1,'strip',0,'open',0); resp.url
- enhance: add a New Fuction to write plotly figure to single html file offline and return the html path , usage:
pip install plotly
&&pip install -U kaleido
. see plotly/ plotly_matlab is a tool for convert
matlab fig
toplotly image
. - kaleido is a tool for convert
plotly image
tostatic image(png/jpg/webp, svg/pdf)
- plotly_matlab is a tool for convert
download this master and add to matlab search path
git clone --depth=1
- start matlab, and run
, thensavepath
install dennischancs/imatlab kernel for jupyterlab to use matlab
is a jupyter kernel for matlab and have aimatlab_export_fig
function to quick useplotly_matlab
.- imatlab v0.4 cannot display CJK character correctly in
, the solution see dennischancs/imatlab.
imatlab_export_fig('fig2plotly') % fig2plotly 建议放到代码最前面
X = linspace(0,2*pi,50)';
Y = [cos(X), 0.5*sin(X)];
imatlab_export_fig('fig2plotly') % fig2plotly 建议放到代码最前面
X = linspace(0,2*pi,50)';
Y = [cos(X), 0.5*sin(X)];
%fid = figure(); % 没有指定figure句柄,则用系统默认变量gcf
% 创建图像目录
folder = 'images-matlab';
if ~exist(folder,'dir')
filename = [folder, '/', '测试fig2plotly'];
write_image(gcf, 'svg', filename);
Plotly Graphing Library for MATLAB® - Create interactive charts in your web browser with MATLAB® and Plotly
Version: 2.2.10
MATLAB is a registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc.
The latest version of the wrapper can be downloaded here.
Once downloaded, run plotlysetup_offline()
to get started
If you have a plotly bundle url of the form '', then run instead
For online use, run plotlysetup_online('your_username', 'your_api_key')
to get started.
NOTE: plotlyupdate.m
is currently turned off.
Please manually download and setup the latest version of the wrapper by following the installation instructions above.
Convert your MATLAB® figures into online Plotly graphs with a single line of code:
% Create some data for the two curves to be plotted
x = 0:0.01:20;
y1 = 200*exp(-0.05*x).*sin(x);
y2 = 0.8*exp(-0.5*x).*sin(10*x);
% Create a plot with 2 y axes using the plotyy function
[ax, h1, h2] = plotyy(x, y1, x, y2, 'plot');
% Add title and x axis label
xlabel('Time (s)');
title('Frequency Response');
% Use the axis handles to set the labels of the y axes
set(get(ax(1), 'Ylabel'), 'String', 'Low Frequency');
set(get(ax(2), 'Ylabel'), 'String', 'High Frequency');
p = fig2plotly; % <-- converts the yy-plot to an interactive, online version.
% p.url = ''
Also, access other Plotly services and graphs programatically. Like, publication-quality image export:
saveplotlyfig(p, 'testimage.svg')
and Plotly figure retrieval:
p = getplotlyfig('chris', 1638) % downloads the graph data from
This lives here:
Please do! This is an open source project. Check out the issues or open a PR!
We want to encourage a warm, welcoming, and safe environment for contributing to this project. See the code of conduct for more information.
MIT © 2021 Plotly, Inc.