
A LibreOffice Calc extension that clusters the rows in a table and colors them to indicate the clusters.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


ClusterRows is a LibreOffice Calc extension that clusters the rows in a table and colors them to indicate the clusters.


Use the extension manager of LibreOffice to install the pre-built extension downloaded from the releases page. Alternatively you can install the downloaded extension from the console as:

$ unopkg install <path-to-downloaded-extension>/ClusterRows.oxt

What's new?

  • Support for Windows and MacOSX
    • Platform specific extension packages in the releases page.
  • Dialog based workflow
  • GMMCluster() formula
  • Input range and the output location may be selected interactively and edited in the dialog

How to use?

  1. Click the toolbar item named Cluster rows icon which is next to the AutoFilter item or click on the Clustering menu item under Data.
  2. Now a dialog will appear where the input data cell-range(with or without header), the output location and the parameters of clustering can be set. If the input cell range was selected before launching the dialog then these two fields will be pre-filled. By default the output location is set to the column next to the last column of the input data cell-range for convenience. If the first row of the input range has the column headers then it can be specified by checking the Header in the first row checkbox. It is also possible to specify whether the data rows need to be colored according to the cluster assignments.
  3. After pressing the Compute button, two new columns [ClusterId and Confidence] will be written to the user specified output location. These two columns will have headers if the dialog option Header in the first row was checked. The first column ClusterId specifies the cluster to which the row is assigned and the second column Confidence indicates the algorithm's confidence in scale [0,1] that this cluster assignment may be correct (higher number implies higher confidence). Depending on the choice provided in the dialog, the data rows are colored according to the cluster assignments.

Advanced usage via GMMCLUSTER formula

The dialog based clustering (described above) uses an in-house array formula GMMCLUSTER to compute the clusters and confidence scores. Hence it is possible to directly use this array formula to compute the clusters instead of using the dialog. Doing so has the advantage of specifying the exact data-range (without the header) and placement of the results. In addition the parameters (including the data-range) could be specified programatically as functions of other cells/ranges in general. The syntax of GMMCLUSTER is:

GMMCLUSTER(data, numClusters, numEpochs, numIterations)

where data is the array(cell-range) holding the data, numClusters is the desired number of clusters (optional, default is to automatically estimate this), numEpochs is the maximum number of epochs to use (optional) and numIteration is the maximum number of iterations to do in each epoch (optional). Note that after entering the formula expression remember to press Ctrl+Shift+Enter instead of just Enter to commit the array formula.


The project uses an in-house C++ implementation of full Expectation Maximization algorithm to compute the clusters. In the auto mode (when number of clusters is specified as 0) it chooses the number of clusters parameter via Bayesian information criterion.

The project does not depend on any machine learning or linear algebra libraries. Full source code is made available under GPL3 license.

Planned features

  • Optional 'seed' (5th) parameter for GMMCLUSTER() to make the results reproducible.
  • Add support for other common clustering algorithms.

Sample usage of the extension

In testdocs directory there is a spreadsheet file called three-clusters.ods. In that sheet there is a dataset in the range A1:C301 synthetically generated from a 3-cluster Gaussian mixture model. This toy dataset has two dimensions/variables(column A and B). Column C has the ground truth cluster id information of each row. To test the extension a copy of the dataset is placed(excluding the ground-truth column) at F1:G301. Go to the menu Data > Statistics > Clustering... and select or enter the input data range F1:G301 and check the option Header in the first row and click Compute button in the dialog. The extension will compute the 3 clusters and produce the columns ClusterId and Confidence next to the data. The cell L9 in that sheet will indicate the clustering accuracy. This is a measure of how well the clustering algorithm was able to assign clusters compared to the ground truths in the original dataset. Typically we get around 97% accuracy for this dataset.

Clustering Output

The document also contains visualizations of the data in the sheet charts. The left chart shows the data points colored according to the ground truth clusters of the dataset. The middle chart shows the data points without the cluster information (which is the input to the clustering algorithm). The right chart shows the data colored according to the cluster assignments made by the algorithm.


Building the extension from source

This is known to work only in GNU/Linux systems. Builds for Windows and MacOS can be done using cmake toolchain files provided with the project.

  1. Install cmake and optionally ccmake. In Ubuntu 20.04+ sudo apt install cmake cmake-curses-gui will install them.
  2. Install LibreOffice SDK. For instance in Ubuntu 20.04+ sudo apt install libreoffice-dev will install it.
  3. In the terminal go to <project root>/build/linux/
    • Run cmake ../../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
    • Run make ClusterRows
      • Alternatively run make deploy to build and deploy this extension to the default LibreOffice installation.
      • Or run make deployrun to build, deploy and start LibreOffice Calc with a test document.
        • See the debug logs using make showlogs

The built extensions will be placed in <project root>/extension. When building for Linux, this file is named ClusterRows-Linux.oxt which can be manually installed by invoking unopkg add <extension file>.

If you get errors on running any of these commands or if you want to report any bug please open an issue here.

As always pull-requests are welcome. Happy hacking!