
SimpleServiceBus was created to provide the simplest possible servicebus abstraction layer. The goal is to support all major brokers (Azure servicebus, Azure EventHubs, RabbitMq, MSMQ) as well as in-memory for development environments.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT




Install using nuget DS.SimpleServiceBus.RabbitMq Install RabbitMQ and use the management gui to create a new virtual host


Create an instance of BusService:

var busService = BusServiceFactory.Create.UsingRabbitMq(cfg =>
    cfg.Uri = "rabbitmq://localhost/dsevents";
    cfg.Username = "guest";
    cfg.Password = "guest";

Start the Bus

await busService.StartAsync(CancellationToken.None);



Install using nuget DS.SimpleServiceBus.EventHubs Go to Azure portal and create a new EventHub and a storage account.


Create an instance of BusService:

var eventHubsBusService = BusServiceFactory.Create.UsingEventHubs(x =>
    x.ConsumerGroup = "{YourConsumerGroupName}";
    x.EventHubConnectionString = "{YourEventHubCS}";
    x.EventHubName = "{TheNameOfYourEventHub}";
    x.StorageConnectionString = "{YourStorageCS}";
    x.StorageAccountName = "{YourStorageAccountName}";

Start the Bus

await busService.StartAsync(CancellationToken.None);


  • Create a model class implementing the IModel interface
  • Create an event class implementing the IEvent using your newly created model class
  • Create an eventhandler implementing the IEventHandler using your newly created event class

Create an instance of EventService

var eventService = EventServiceFactory.Create.UsingRabbitMq(busService, cfg => cfg.EventQueueName = "thiseventserviceuniquequeuename");

Register your eventhandler


Publish an event

await eventService.PublishAsync(InstanceOfYourEventClass, CancellationToken.None);

Commands (not available for EventHubs)

  • Create a class implementing the IRequestModel interface
  • Create a class implementing the IResponseModel interface
  • Create a commandhandler implementing the ICommandHandler<TRequestModel, TResponseModel> using your newly created classes

Create an instance of CommandService

var commandService = CommandServiceFactory.Create.UsingRabbitMq(busService, cfg => cfg.CommandQueueName = "thiscommandserviceuniquequeuename");

Register your commandhandler


Send a request

var response = await commandService.SendRequestAsync<YourRequestClass, YourResponseClass>(instanceOfRequestClass, CancellationToken.None);