
Interactsh deployment to AWS EC2 Instance with Terraform

Primary LanguageHCL

DNS with GoDaddy


Create following Records in Domain foo.bar:

  • A Record: ns1canary pointing to public IP of interactsh server

  • A Record: ns2canary pointing to public IP of interactsh server

  • NS Record: canary pointing to FQDN ns1canary.foo.bar

  • NS Record: canary pointing to FQDN ns2canary.foo.bar

Deploy to AWS EC2 with Terraform

Tag AWS KeyPair

Tag your KeyPair with key:InteractSh and an empty value

Start Terraform CLI

sudo docker run \
 -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='xxx' \
 -e TF_VAR_interactsh_access_token='xxx'\
 -e TF_VAR_domain='canary.foo.bar'\
 -e TF_VAR_godaddy_access_token='xxx' \
 -e TF_VAR_godaddy_ns1='foo.bar/records/A/ns1canary.foo.bar' \
 -e TF_VAR_godaddy_ns2='foo.bar/records/A/ns2canary.foo.bar' \
 -e TF_VAR_interactsh_version='v0.0.7' \
 -it --rm -w /app \
 -v $(pwd)/terraform:/app \
 --entrypoint /bin/sh \

Execute Deployment with Terraform command

Exectue deployment

terraform apply

Other useful Terraform commands

terraform init
terraform fmt
terraform validate
terraform plan
terraform show
terraform output
terraform destroy

Starting the Client



sudo docker run projectdiscovery/interactsh-client -server 'https://canary.foo.bar' -token '<token>' -persist -n 10 -v



  • Execute: git clone https://github.com/projectdiscovery/interactsh-web.git
  • Execute: yarn start
  • Go to http://localhost:3000/
  • Enter custom host (without schema): canary.foo.bar and enter token.
  • Then reload page!!!