
Developing Mobile Apps with React Native Specialization

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Developing Mobile Apps with React Native Specialization

React Native is one of the two most popular frameworks for developing mobile apps (Statista). And with the number of smartphone users set to grow by over 30% (Statista), software developers with React Native skills are in hot demand. This specialization gives you the job-ready skills you need to catch an employer's eye or start your own app development venture.

This comprehensive specialization is suitable for new and existing software developers and deep dives into JavaScript fundamentals, including ECMAScript 6 features, key data structures like arrays, DOM, AJAX, and essential debugging techniques. You'll learn about error handling and DOM manipulation. You’ll create dynamic web pages and utilize JavaScript functions and libraries for navigation and page styling. Plus, you’ll use AJAX to fetch and display data from APIs.

You’ll also explore React, a popular JavaScript framework for building client-side user interfaces. You'll look at React components, props, hooks, state management, event handling, and component lifecycles. You'll get hands-on setting up the React Native environment, managing styles and state, handling user interactions and lists, and debugging and publishing apps.Upon completion of this short program, you will have built dynamic mobile apps that can run on both Android and iOS devices.

Power up your mobile app development career, ENROLL TODAY and boost your resume with sought-after React Native skills in less than 3 months!