
A bakery for deployable images

Primary LanguageGroovyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status

A bakery for use by Spinnaker to produce machine images.

It presently supports producing Google Compute Engine images and AWS amis. It relies on packer and can be easily extended to support additional platforms.

It exposes a REST api which can be experimented with via the Swagger UI: http://localhost:8087/swagger-ui.html

Developing rosco

Need to run rosco locally for development? Here's what you need to setup and run:

Environment Setup

git clone git@github.com:spinnaker/rosco.git
git clone git@github.com:spinnaker/spinnaker.git

Docker Setup (runs redis locally)

docker-machine create --virtualbox-disk-size 8192 --virtualbox-memory 8192 -d virtualbox spinnaker
eval $(docker-machine env spinnaker)
cd spinnaker/experimental/docker-compose
docker-compose up -d redis

Verify redis

docker run -it --link redis:redis --rm redis redis-cli -h redis -p 6379
(printf "PING\r\n";) | nc -v localhost 6379

IDE setup

Generate Intellij gradle project files

./gradlew idea

Apply groovy code formatting scheme

  1. Preferences -> Editor -> Code Style -> Manage ... -> Import -> select codestyle.xml from the project directory.
  2. Apply the 'spinnaker' scheme.

Running App

./gradlew bootRun


curl -v localhost:8087/bakeOptions



Docker teardown

docker-compose stop
docker-machine rm spinnaker