
Mpesa B2C, C2B, STKPush Django framework based on the new Api's https://developer.safaricom.co.ke

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



pip install mpesa-api or pip install -e git+https://github.com/lemaiyan/mpesa_api.git#egg=mpesa_api


  • Python 3.4+
  • Django 1.11.7+
  • Celery 4.1.0+
  • djangorestframework 3.7.3+
  • requests 2.18.4+


Add the following in the urls.py

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^mpesa/', include('mpesa_api.core.urls', 'mpesa')),

Add the following to installed apps


Add the following in your settings file get the values from https://developer.safaricom.co.ke

MPESA_B2C_ACCESS_KEY = 'Mpesa b2c access Key'
MPESA_B2C_CONSUMER_SECRET = 'Mpesa b2c consumer secret'
MPESA_C2B_ACCESS_KEY = 'Mpesa c2b access Key'
MPESA_C2B_CONSUMER_SECRET = 'Mpesa c2b consumer secret'
B2C_SECURITY_TOKEN = 'b2c security token'
B2C_INITIATOR_NAME = 'b2c initiator name'
B2C_COMMAND_ID = 'Sb2c command id'
B2C_SHORTCODE = 'b2c shortcode'
B2C_QUEUE_TIMEOUT_URL = 'b2c queue timeout url'
B2C_RESULT_URL = 'b2c result url'

C2B_REGISTER_URL = 'c2b register url'
C2B_VALIDATE_URL = 'c2b validate url'
C2B_CONFIRMATION_URL = 'c2b confirmation url'
C2B_SHORT_CODE = 'c2b short code'
C2B_RESPONSE_TYPE = 'Completed'

C2B_ONLINE_CHECKOUT_URL = 'c2b online checkout url'
C2B_ONLINE_CHECKOUT_CALLBACK_URL = 'online checkout callback url'
C2B_TRANSACTION_TYPE = 'CustomerPayBillOnline'
C2B_ONLINE_PASSKEY = 'c2b online passkey'
C2B_ONLINE_SHORT_CODE = 'c2b online short code'

# Urls
B2C_URL = 'b2c url'

# number of seconds from the expiry we consider the token expired 
# the token expires after an hour 



After adding the mpesa settings also add the celery settings which is the path url to your rabbitmq the value below is for when you're using the default else add the appropriate URL

CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq:5672//'

To fully configure celery add celery.py in your django folder where your settings.py and wsgi.py resides with the following code

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import os
from celery import Celery

# set the default Django settings module for the 'celery' program.
# in this case the settings we are using are located in config.settings
# so make sure you point to the correct path
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "config.settings")

app = Celery('config')

# Using a string here means the worker don't have to serialize
# the config object to child processes.
# - namespace='CELERY' means all celery-related config keys
#   should have a `CELERY_` prefix.
app.config_from_object('django.conf:settings', namespace='CELERY')

# Load task modules from all registered Django app configs.

def debug_task(self):
    print('Request: {0!r}'.format(self.request))

in the __init__.py file located in the same location add the following code

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

# This will make sure the app is always imported when
# Django starts so that shared_task will use this app.
from .celery import app as celery_app

__all__ = ['celery_app']

In the root of the project folder add celery.sh file this is what is used to run the celery workers and where we register the queues we have defined for the tasks we have. add the following code

#!/usr/bin/env bash
celery -A config worker -c 5 --loglevel=info -Q b2c_result,b2c_request,celery,c2b_confirmation,c2b_validation,online_checkout_request,online_checkout_callback

make sure you make this file executable and run it to run the workers.


Once you're done with the set up you need to be able to make calls to MPESA API's in your .py file where you want to make the calls add the following line

from mpesa_api.core.mpesa import Mpesa

The Mpesa class containts static methods to intereact with the MPESA API's. They initiate the calls and also keeps track of the callbacks and the values are stored in the database for retrieval. Below are some samples

Mpesa.b2c_request(254700000000, 100) # starts a b2c payment
Mpesa.c2b_register_url() # registers the validate and confirmation url's for b2c
# starts online checkout on given number 
Mpesa.stk_push(254700000000, 100, account_reference='', transaction_desc='')