
Code for Sergeev et al. (2020)

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Published article arXiv preprint Python 3.7 Black License

Atmospheric convection plays a key role in the climate of tidally-locked terrestrial exoplanets: insights from high-resolution simulations

Denis E. Sergeev, F. Hugo Lambert, Nathan J. Mayne, Ian Boutle, James Manners, and Krisztian Kohary 2020 Astrophysical Journal, 894:84 (19pp)

Code used to process and visualise the model output. Model data are available upon request (raw data O(100 Gb)).

page/ directory is for hosting an HTML page with an interactive version of Fig. 1.

Running code

To recreate the same conda environment for running Python code, follow these steps:

  1. Install conda
  2. Git-checkout or download this repository
  3. (on Linux/OSX) Navigate to the repository folder and run
make env
  1. Activate the environment
conda activate sergeev2020
  1. Run the notebooks manually or use make shortcuts (type make help for help)


Notebooks for each individual figure as well as for two data tables are in the code/ directory, while the figures themselves are in the plots/ directory.


# Figure Notebook Dependencies
1 Overview of the model set-up for the Trappist-1e case (interactive 3D Figure) Fig01-Model-Set-Up-3D.ipynb pp_ns_data.py
2 Surface temperature and horizontal wind vectors in the upper troposphere Fig02-Map-Sfc-Temp-Winds.ipynb pp_main_gl_data.py
3 Time average vertical profiles of temperature and water vapor at the sub-stellar point and its antipode Fig03-Vert-Prof-Temp-Hum.ipynb pp_main_gl_data.py
4 Eddy geopotential height and eddy components of horizontal wind vectors 250 hPa and air temperature at 700 hPa Fig04-Map-Gpt-Hgt-Temp.ipynb pp_main_gl_data.py
5 Atmospheric circulation regimes Fig05-Rossby-Rhines.ipynb pp_main_gl_data.py
6 Distribution of clouds and precipitation for the Trappist-1e and Proxima b cases Fig06-Map-Cloud-Precip.ipynb pp_main_gl_data.py
7 Meridional average of vertically integrated divergence of MSE and its components Fig07-MSE-Flux-Divergence.ipynb pp_main_gl_data.py
8 Latitudinal cross-section of the zonal transport of sensible and latent heat across the eastern terminator Fig08-Vert-Cross-Heat-Flux.ipynb pp_main_gl_data.py
9 Snapshot of top-of-atmosphere outgoing longwave radiation in the Trappist-1e simulation Fig09-Map-TOA-OLR-Trap1e.ipynb
10 Snapshot of top-of-atmosphere outgoing longwave radiation in the Proxima b simulation Fig10-Map-TOA-OLR-Proxb.ipynb
11 Histograms of instantaneous TOA OLR values in the substellar region Fig11-Hist-TOA-OLR.ipynb
12 Snapshot of convection in the substellar region in the Proxima b case at the end of the HighRes simulation Fig12-Map-Precip-Vert-Wind.ipynb
13 Vertical profiles of the cloud liquid water and ice mixing ratio in the substellar region Fig13-Vert-Prof-Cloud-Condensate.ipynb pp_ns_data.py, ns_mean_vprof.py
14 Vertical profiles of temperature increments due to the latent heating in the substellar region Fig14-Vert-Prof-Latent-Heating.ipynb pp_ns_data.py, ns_mean_vprof.py
15 Day-night surface temperature difference vs wind divergence in the free troposphere of the substellar region Fig15-Day-Night-Impact-Lin-Reg.ipynb pp_ens_gl_data.py, aggr_ens_output.py, pp_ns_data.py, aggr_ns_data.py


# Table Notebook Dependencies
3 Mean global, day-side, and night-side surface temperature in the control and sensitivity simulations Tab03-Mean-Sfc-Temp.ipynb pp_main_gl_data.py
4 Global top-of-atmosphere cloud radiative effect in the control and sensitivity simulations Tab04-CRE.ipynb pp_main_gl_data.py


    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    arxivId = {2004.03007},
    author = {Sergeev, Denis E. and Lambert, F. Hugo and Mayne, Nathan J. and Boutle, Ian A. and Manners, James and Kohary, Krisztian},
    doi = {10.3847/1538-4357/ab8882},
    eprint = {2004.03007},
    issn = {1538-4357},
    journal = {The Astrophysical Journal},
    number = {2},
    pages = {84},
    publisher = {IOP Publishing},
    title = {Atmospheric convection plays a key role in the climate of tidally-locked terrestrial exoplanets: insights from high-resolution simulations},
    url = {https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ab8882},
    volume = {894},
    year = {2020}