
Access system-wide Google API credentials (and locally bypass Google Advanced Protection)

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Google Keychain Utilities

Disclaimer: This project is not affiliated with Google in any way and allows for raw access that can be used to access your Google account, so use at your own risk

This is a collection of utilities for reading and reusing the authentication keys that official google installable applications store on your computer and as well as documentation from reversing the applications where appropriate.

Where applicable, this library documents the corresponding functionality in the original application code

  • For Python applications, uncompyle6 can be used to decompile the distributed .pyo files. Most references are relative to the site_packages folder

Currently supported target applications:

  • Backup and Sync app (only tested on macOS)
    • This is the new Google Drive desktop client that backs up local files to the cloud
    • Written in Python 2.7 with a WX based UI
    • Uses a standard OAuth2 authentication client which all secrets stored in the OS specific keyring
    • The client_id and client_secret are hard coded into the common/auth/oauth_constants.py file


First this assumes that you have the Backup and Sync Google app installed and have signed in to it at some point. You don't need to have it running though.

If running from this repository:

  • Make sure you have Yarn installed
  • Run yarn install

If using as a node_module

  • Run yarn add google-keychain or npm install google-keychain
  • import { ... methods ... } from 'google-keychain';


Example 1: Fetching credentials from an installed and signed-in instance of Backup in Sync and listing all files in the root of your Google Drive:

  • Run ./samples/list_drive.ts

NOTE: Running the above code requests accessing the other app's keychains, so you will likely be prompted for your password to gain access

Use Cases

The main purpose of this is to allow developers to run their own trusted scripts on their computers even with APP enabled

NOTE: This is not a Google vulnerability or security bug. You still need privileged access to the system and the ability to run native code to extract these credentials. The associated client_id and client_secrets are also not usable on web

  • Bypassing the Advanced Protection Program warning shown below in the image below
    • Google's APP secures your account by preventing third party OAuth clients from accessing certain scopes on your account such as Google Drive access. But, they do allow their own official applications to access these scopes
    • Because they support some completely client-side apps like the backup one, these privileged client secrets are available offline and stored on your computer
    • By extracting the oauth secrets, you can spoof an official google application from your own code

This is what happens if APP is enabled and using performing a third-party OAuth sign-in. This policy can be bypassed if running locally by the official google keys