Demonstrates a bug in Filament in an attempt to fix Issue #8067
Bug introduced in PR 10078
This bug only occurs when the parent and child tables are the same and the pivot table has an incrementing id.
composer install
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
php artisan make:filament-user
Create a user, sign in, and create try to attach a parent task to reproduce the error.
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'id' in where clause is ambiguous
select distinct `tasks`.*
from `tasks`
left join `task_edges` on `tasks`.`id` = `task_edges`.`parent_id`
where not exists (select *
from `tasks` as `laravel_reserved_0`
inner join `task_edges` on `laravel_reserved_0`.`id` = `task_edges`.`child_id`
where `tasks`.`id` = `task_edges`.`parent_id`
and `id` = 1)
order by `tasks`.`name` asc limit 50
The error is in the where
clause: and
id = 1
. The id
column is ambiguous, it should be laravel_reserved_0
instead to only target the subquery. This is happening because the pivot table has an incrementing id. To solve this we
need to use the relationship table to query the id.
$relationCountHash = $relationship->getRelationCountHash(false);
fn (Builder $query): Builder => $query->whereDoesntHave(
fn (Builder $query): Builder => $query->where(
$relationship->getParent()->getTable() === $relationship->getRelated()->getTable() ?
($relationCountHash.'.'.$relationship->getParent()->getKeyName()) :
Perhaps $relationCountHash could be renamed to $relationshipSubqueryHash or something similar to make it more clear what it is.