
MapZen borders admin levels geojson exporter to POSM extracts expected format

Primary LanguagePython

MapZen Exporter

Service used to convert and export Admin boundaries such as MapZen Borders into POSM Extracts expected format.

Setup Guide

You need to do the following:

    $ git clone https://github.com/ehealthafrica/mapzen-exporter && cd mapzen-exporter

    $ virtualenv mapzen_env

    $ source mapzen_env/bin/activate

    $ pip install -r pip-required.txt

    $ cd exporter

    $ cp settings.yaml.temp settings.yaml


  • In settings.yaml set the following:

    • data_dir : full path to the input geojson files directory

    • output_dir: full path to output directory

    • mapzen_file_url: url to online archived file that holds each country's admin boundaries files

    • geojson_dir_name: the path to directory that contains extracted admin boundaries geojson files

    • admin_levels:

      - 2 # Default is 2 for all countries

      - 4 # OSM Admin level for next sub region for a given country e.g 4 for Nigerian States

      - 6 # OSM Admin level for next lower admin level for a given country e.g 6 for Nigerian LGAs

      - 8 #OSM Admin level for next lower admin level for a given country e.g 8 for Nigerian Wards

  • To run, while in exporter directory

    $ python exproter.py