The Places app can be run in the simulator without any setup. Run from Xcode on you preferred device. There are two screens:
- One that displays a list of locations
- One that can be used to add a location
The deep links to the Wikipedia app use the following structure:
An example:
To make sure the deep links work with the Wikipedia app, I've made the following changes:
I added a new method to capture the latitude and longitude parameters from the URL:
+ (instancetype)wmf_placesActivityWithCoordinates:(NSURL *)activityCoordinates {
NSURLComponents *components = [NSURLComponents componentsWithURL:activityCoordinates resolvingAgainstBaseURL:NO];
double latitude = 0.0;
double longitude = 0.0;
for (NSURLQueryItem *item in components.queryItems) {
if ([ isEqualToString:@"WMFLatitude"]) {
latitude = [item.value doubleValue];
if ([ isEqualToString:@"WMFLongitude"]) {
longitude = [item.value doubleValue];
NSUserActivity *activity = [self wmf_pageActivityWithNameAndCoordinates:@"Places" latitude:latitude longitude:longitude];
return activity;
And another method to create an NSUserActivity:
+ (instancetype)wmf_pageActivityWithNameAndCoordinates:(NSString *)pageName latitude:(double)latitude longitude:(double)longitude {
NSUserActivity *activity = [self wmf_activityWithType:[pageName lowercaseString]];
activity.title = wmf_localizationNotNeeded(pageName);
activity.userInfo = @{
@"WMFPage": pageName,
@"WMFLatitude": @(latitude),
@"WMFLongitude": @(longitude)
NSMutableSet *set = [activity.keywords mutableCopy];
[set addObjectsFromArray:[pageName componentsSeparatedByString:@" "]];
activity.keywords = set;
return activity;
I also changed
return [self wmf_placesActivityWithURL:url];
to. return [self wmf_placesActivityWithCoordinates:url];
to make use of the new method.
I changed the code inside the WMFUserActivityTypePlaces switch case (line 1202) to the following:
[self dismissPresentedViewControllers];
[self setSelectedIndex:WMFAppTabTypePlaces];
[self.currentTabNavigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:animated];
double latitude = [activity.userInfo[@"WMFLatitude"] doubleValue];
double longitude = [activity.userInfo[@"WMFLongitude"] doubleValue];
if (latitude && longitude) {
// For "View on a map" action to succeed, view mode has to be set to map.
[[self placesViewController] updateViewModeToMap];
[[self placesViewController] showCoordinateURLWithLatitude:latitude longitude:longitude];
This way it uses the new activity to view the correct location on the map.
I added these functions to make sure the view controller is able to handle a request using coordinates and react accordingly:
@objc public func showCoordinateURL(latitude: CLLocationDegrees, longitude: CLLocationDegrees) {
let coordinates = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude)
let region = self.region(thatFits: coordinates)
currentSearch = PlaceSearch(filter: .top, type: .location, origin: .user, sortStyle: .links, string: nil, region: region, localizedDescription: nil, searchResult: nil)
func region(thatFits coordinates: CLLocationCoordinate2D) -> MKCoordinateRegion {
let initialRegion = [coordinates].wmf_boundingRegion(with: 50)
return [coordinates].wmf_boundingRegion(with: 0.25 * initialRegion.width)