
Primary LanguageSwift


How to run the Places app

The Places app can be run in the simulator without any setup. Run from Xcode on you preferred device. There are two screens:

  • One that displays a list of locations
  • One that can be used to add a location

How to modify the Wikipedia app for coordinate deep links

The deep links to the Wikipedia app use the following structure:


An example:


To make sure the deep links work with the Wikipedia app, I've made the following changes:

1. Update NSUserActivity+WMFExtensions

I added a new method to capture the latitude and longitude parameters from the URL:

+ (instancetype)wmf_placesActivityWithCoordinates:(NSURL *)activityCoordinates {
    NSURLComponents *components = [NSURLComponents componentsWithURL:activityCoordinates resolvingAgainstBaseURL:NO];
    double latitude = 0.0;
    double longitude = 0.0;
    for (NSURLQueryItem *item in components.queryItems) {
        if ([item.name isEqualToString:@"WMFLatitude"]) {
            latitude = [item.value doubleValue];
        if ([item.name isEqualToString:@"WMFLongitude"]) {
            longitude = [item.value doubleValue];
    NSUserActivity *activity = [self wmf_pageActivityWithNameAndCoordinates:@"Places" latitude:latitude longitude:longitude];
    return activity;

And another method to create an NSUserActivity:

+ (instancetype)wmf_pageActivityWithNameAndCoordinates:(NSString *)pageName latitude:(double)latitude longitude:(double)longitude {
    NSUserActivity *activity = [self wmf_activityWithType:[pageName lowercaseString]];
    activity.title = wmf_localizationNotNeeded(pageName);

    activity.userInfo = @{
        @"WMFPage": pageName,
        @"WMFLatitude": @(latitude),
        @"WMFLongitude": @(longitude)

    NSMutableSet *set = [activity.keywords mutableCopy];
    [set addObjectsFromArray:[pageName componentsSeparatedByString:@" "]];
    activity.keywords = set;

    return activity;

I also changed return [self wmf_placesActivityWithURL:url]; to. return [self wmf_placesActivityWithCoordinates:url]; to make use of the new method.

2. Update WMFAppViewController

I changed the code inside the WMFUserActivityTypePlaces switch case (line 1202) to the following:

[self dismissPresentedViewControllers];
[self setSelectedIndex:WMFAppTabTypePlaces];
[self.currentTabNavigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:animated];
double latitude = [activity.userInfo[@"WMFLatitude"] doubleValue];
double longitude = [activity.userInfo[@"WMFLongitude"] doubleValue];
if (latitude && longitude) {
    // For "View on a map" action to succeed, view mode has to be set to map.
    [[self placesViewController] updateViewModeToMap];
    [[self placesViewController] showCoordinateURLWithLatitude:latitude longitude:longitude];

This way it uses the new activity to view the correct location on the map.

3. Update PlacesViewController

I added these functions to make sure the view controller is able to handle a request using coordinates and react accordingly:

@objc public func showCoordinateURL(latitude: CLLocationDegrees, longitude: CLLocationDegrees) {
    let coordinates = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude)
    let region = self.region(thatFits: coordinates)
    currentSearch = PlaceSearch(filter: .top, type: .location, origin: .user, sortStyle: .links, string: nil, region: region, localizedDescription: nil, searchResult: nil)

func region(thatFits coordinates: CLLocationCoordinate2D) -> MKCoordinateRegion {
    let initialRegion = [coordinates].wmf_boundingRegion(with: 50)
    return [coordinates].wmf_boundingRegion(with: 0.25 * initialRegion.width)